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Список разделов
Раздел: техническая литература
Self-Organization in Sensor and Actor Networks
Video and Multimedia Transmissions over Cellular Networks
Radio Technologies and Concepts for IMT-Advanced
RFID for the Optimization of Business Processes
3G, HSPA and FDD versus TDD Networking
Cellular Authentication for Mobile and Internet Services
Theory of Code Division Multiple Access Communication
Radiometric Tracking Techniques for Deep-Space Navigation
Large Antennas of the Deep Space Network
Precoding and Signal Shaping for Digital Transmission
Digital Mobile Communications and the TETRA System
Handbook of Ultra-Wideband Short-Range Sensing
Species and System Selection for Sustainable Aquaculture
Diseases of Carp and Other Cyprinid Fishes
OFDM Baseband Receiver Design for Wireless Communications
fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010
Beispiele zur Bemessung nach Eurocode 2, Band 2
Mechanical Characterization of Materials and Wave Dispersion
Boundary Value Problems for Transonic Flow
Human Performance and Limitations in Aviation
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization in Computational Mechanics
Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Medical Applications
Parameter Estimation for Scientists and Engineers
Prognostics and Health Management of Electronics
Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
A Practical Guide to The Wiring Regulations
Power Quality Indices in Liberalized Markets
Coplanar Waveguide Circuits, Components, and Systems
Fundamentals of Global Positioning System Receivers
Signal Processing of Power Quality Disturbances
Radioisotope Gauges for Industrial Process Measurements
Spoken, Multilingual and Multimodal Dialogue Systems
Electrically Small, Superdirective, and Superconducting Antennas
Developing Multi-Agent Systems with JADE
Introduction to Antenna Placement and Installation
Wiley Survey of Instrumentation and Measurement
Foundations of Soft Case-Based Reasoning
Stimulating Innovation in Products and Services
Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design
Synchronization and Arbitration in Digital Systems
Phase Lock Loops and Frequency Synthesis
Modeling and Analysis of Telecommunications Networks
Nano-CMOS Circuit and Physical Design
Scaling Issues and Design of MEMS
Radiowaves and Polaritons in Anisotropic Media
Physics and Applications of CVD Diamond
Frontiers in Transition Metal-Containing Polymers
Macromolecules Containing Metal and Metal-Like Elements, Volume 8
Microelectronic Applications of Chemical Mechanical Planarization
Science and Technology of Polymer Nanofibers