Раздел: техническая литература

Affordable Metal Matrix Composites for High Performance Applications II. Thomas Watson J.

Affordable Metal Matrix Composites for High Performance Applications II

5th Annual Conference on Composites and Advanced Ceramic Materials. William Smothers J.

5th Annual Conference on Composites and Advanced Ceramic Materials

1981 New England Section Topical Meeting on Nonoxide Ceramics. William Smothers J.

1981 New England Section Topical Meeting on Nonoxide Ceramics

Characterization and Modeling to Control Sintered Ceramic Microstructures and Properties. C.  DiAntonio

Characterization and Modeling to Control Sintered Ceramic Microstructures and Properties

HSLA Steels 2015, Microalloying 2015 and Offshore Engineering Steels 2015 Conference Proceedings. The Chinese Society for Metals

HSLA Steels 2015, Microalloying 2015 and Offshore Engineering Steels 2015 Conference Proceedings

Design and Characterization of Integrated Varactors for RF Applications. Inigo  Gutierrez

Design and Characterization of Integrated Varactors for RF Applications

Advanced Design Techniques and Realizations of Microwave and RF Filters. Pierre  Jarry

Advanced Design Techniques and Realizations of Microwave and RF Filters

High Efficiency RF and Microwave Solid State Power Amplifiers. Franco  Giannini

High Efficiency RF and Microwave Solid State Power Amplifiers

Understanding UMTS Radio Network Modelling, Planning and Automated Optimisation. Maciej  Nawrocki

Understanding UMTS Radio Network Modelling, Planning and Automated Optimisation

Autonomous Software-Defined Radio Receivers for Deep Space Applications. Jon  Hamkins

Autonomous Software-Defined Radio Receivers for Deep Space Applications

UMTS Network Planning, Optimization, and Inter-Operation with GSM. Moe  Rahnema

UMTS Network Planning, Optimization, and Inter-Operation with GSM

Business Models for Sustainable Telecoms Growth in Developing Economies. Sanjay  Kaul

Business Models for Sustainable Telecoms Growth in Developing Economies

Knowledge Structures for Communications in Human-Computer Systems. Eldo Koenig C.

Knowledge Structures for Communications in Human-Computer Systems

Contamination and ESD Control in High Technology Manufacturing. R.  Nagarajan

Contamination and ESD Control in High Technology Manufacturing

Modeling, Estimation and Optimal Filtration in Signal Processing. Mohamed  Najim

Modeling, Estimation and Optimal Filtration in Signal Processing

Modeling and High Performance Control of Electric Machines. John  Chiasson

Modeling and High Performance Control of Electric Machines

Programming Multi-Agent Systems in AgentSpeak using Jason. Michael  Wooldridge

Programming Multi-Agent Systems in AgentSpeak using Jason

Advanced Ultrasonic Methods for Material and Structure Inspection. Tribikram  Kundu

Advanced Ultrasonic Methods for Material and Structure Inspection

Design of Nonplanar Microstrip Antennas and Transmission Lines. Kin-Lu  Wong

Design of Nonplanar Microstrip Antennas and Transmission Lines

Antenna Arraying Techniques in the Deep Space Network. Alexander  Mileant

Antenna Arraying Techniques in the Deep Space Network

An Introduction to Practical Formal Methods Using Temporal Logic. Michael  Fisher

An Introduction to Practical Formal Methods Using Temporal Logic

All-Digital Frequency Synthesizer in Deep-Submicron CMOS. Robert Staszewski Bogdan

All-Digital Frequency Synthesizer in Deep-Submicron CMOS

Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor IGBT Theory and Design. Vinod Khanna Kumar

Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor IGBT Theory and Design

Low-Voltage SOI CMOS VLSI Devices and Circuits. Shih-Chia  Lin

Low-Voltage SOI CMOS VLSI Devices and Circuits

Scaling Analysis in Modeling Transport and Reaction Processes. William Krantz B.

Scaling Analysis in Modeling Transport and Reaction Processes

Guidelines for Safe and Reliable Instrumented Protective Systems. CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)

Guidelines for Safe and Reliable Instrumented Protective Systems

Guidelines for Performing Effective Pre-Startup Safety Reviews. CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)

Guidelines for Performing Effective Pre-Startup Safety Reviews

Guidelines for Use of Vapor Cloud Dispersion Models. CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)

Guidelines for Use of Vapor Cloud Dispersion Models

Practical Compliance with the EPA Risk Management Program. R. Walter J.

Practical Compliance with the EPA Risk Management Program

Estimating the Flammable Mass of a Vapor Cloud. John Woodward L.

Estimating the Flammable Mass of a Vapor Cloud

Guidelines for Writing Effective Operating and Maintenance Procedures. CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)

Guidelines for Writing Effective Operating and Maintenance Procedures

Concentration Fluctuations and Averaging Time in Vapor Clouds. David Wilson J.

Concentration Fluctuations and Averaging Time in Vapor Clouds

Analytical Troubleshooting of Process Machinery and Pressure Vessels. Anthony  Sofronas

Analytical Troubleshooting of Process Machinery and Pressure Vessels

Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises

Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises "Numerik in der Geotechnik" - EANG

Error-controlled Adaptive Finite Elements in Solid Mechanics. Peter  Wriggers

Error-controlled Adaptive Finite Elements in Solid Mechanics

Microbial Hazard Identification in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Jennylynd  James

Microbial Hazard Identification in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Handbook of Food Products Manufacturing, 2 Volume Set. Fidel Toldra

Handbook of Food Products Manufacturing, 2 Volume Set

Encapsulation and Controlled Release Technologies in Food Systems. Dr. JamilehM. Lakkis

Encapsulation and Controlled Release Technologies in Food Systems

Smart Packaging Technologies for Fast Moving Consumer Goods. Paul  Butler

Smart Packaging Technologies for Fast Moving Consumer Goods

Chemistry and Technology of Soft Drinks and Fruit Juices. Philip Ashurst R.

Chemistry and Technology of Soft Drinks and Fruit Juices

Verzeichnis der Chemischen und Lebensmittel- Untersuchungs?mter in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Hans  Miethke

Verzeichnis der Chemischen und Lebensmittel- Untersuchungs?mter in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Contractor and Client Relations to Assure Process Safety. William F. Early, II

Contractor and Client Relations to Assure Process Safety

Guidelines for Pressure Relief and Effluent Handling Systems. CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)

Guidelines for Pressure Relief and Effluent Handling Systems

Making EHS an Integral Part of Process Design. Arthur D. Little, Inc.

Making EHS an Integral Part of Process Design

AIChE Equipment Testing Procedure - Centrifugal Pumps (Newtonian Liquids). American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

AIChE Equipment Testing Procedure - Centrifugal Pumps (Newtonian Liquids)

Dow's Fire and Explosion Index Hazard Classification Guide. American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

Dow's Fire and Explosion Index Hazard Classification Guide

Charge Transport in Disordered Solids with Applications in Electronics. Sergei  Baranovski

Charge Transport in Disordered Solids with Applications in Electronics

Handbook of Mathematical Relations in Particulate Materials Processing. Randall German M.

Handbook of Mathematical Relations in Particulate Materials Processing

Improved Ceramics through New Measurements, Processing, and Standards. Makio  Naito

Improved Ceramics through New Measurements, Processing, and Standards

TMS 2014 143rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Annual Meeting Supplemental Proceedings. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)

TMS 2014 143rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Annual Meeting Supplemental Proceedings