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Список разделов
Раздел: техническая литература
Flat Panel Display Manufacturing
The Chemistry of Food
Mathematics of Shape Description
Mechanical Properties of Ceramics
Introduction to FACTS Controllers
Sex Control in Aquaculture
Energy Harvesting Wireless Communications
Electronics For Dummies
Digital Color Management
Internet of Things
Polyolefin Composites
Project Management
Non-local Structural Mechanics
The Inverse Method
Crystallization of Lipids
Electron Beam-Specimen Interactions and Simulation Methods in Microscopy
Freshwater Fisheries Ecology
От фантастики к реальности
State Selected and State to State Ion Molecule Reaction Dynamics, Part 1
Maintaining Mission Critical Systems in a 24/7 Environment
How To Prepare Defense-Related Scientific and Technical Reports
Numerical Simulations and Case Studies Using Visual C++.Net
Ultra Wideband Antennas and Propagation for Communications, Radar and Imaging
RF Measurements for Cellular Phones and Wireless Data Systems
Analog VLSI Circuits for the Perception of Visual Motion
AIChE Equipment Testing Procedure: Continuous Direct-Heat Rotary Dryers
Code of Practice for Project Management for Construction and Development
Guide to Load Analysis for Durability in Vehicle Engineering
Electrochemical Remediation Technologies for Polluted Soils, Sediments and Groundwater
Guidelines for Safe Handling of Powders and Bulk Solids
Affordable Metal Matrix Composites for High Performance Applications II
5th Annual Conference on Composites and Advanced Ceramic Materials
1981 New England Section Topical Meeting on Nonoxide Ceramics
Characterization and Modeling to Control Sintered Ceramic Microstructures and Properties
HSLA Steels 2015, Microalloying 2015 and Offshore Engineering Steels 2015 Conference Proceedings
Design and Characterization of Integrated Varactors for RF Applications
Advanced Design Techniques and Realizations of Microwave and RF Filters
High Efficiency RF and Microwave Solid State Power Amplifiers
Understanding UMTS Radio Network Modelling, Planning and Automated Optimisation
Autonomous Software-Defined Radio Receivers for Deep Space Applications
UMTS Network Planning, Optimization, and Inter-Operation with GSM
Business Models for Sustainable Telecoms Growth in Developing Economies
Knowledge Structures for Communications in Human-Computer Systems
Contamination and ESD Control in High Technology Manufacturing
Modeling, Estimation and Optimal Filtration in Signal Processing
Modeling and High Performance Control of Electric Machines
Programming Multi-Agent Systems in AgentSpeak using Jason
Advanced Ultrasonic Methods for Material and Structure Inspection
Design of Nonplanar Microstrip Antennas and Transmission Lines