Раздел: зарубежная деловая литература

Risk Management under UCITS III / IV. New Challenges for the Fund Industry. Christian  Szylar

Risk Management under UCITS III / IV. New Challenges for the Fund Industry

Tools of Engagement. Presenting and Training in a World of Social Media. Tom  Bunzel

Tools of Engagement. Presenting and Training in a World of Social Media

Creating Video for Teachers and Trainers. Producing Professional Video with Amateur Equipment. Tim  Spannaus

Creating Video for Teachers and Trainers. Producing Professional Video with Amateur Equipment

Winning Grants Step by Step. The Complete Workbook for Planning, Developing and Writing Successful Proposals. Tori  O'Neal-McElrath

Winning Grants Step by Step. The Complete Workbook for Planning, Developing and Writing Successful Proposals

The Blank Swan. The End of Probability. Elie  Ayache

The Blank Swan. The End of Probability

Value Investing. Tools and Techniques for Intelligent Investment. James  Montier

Value Investing. Tools and Techniques for Intelligent Investment

Millionaire Migrants. Trans-Pacific Life Lines. David  Ley

Millionaire Migrants. Trans-Pacific Life Lines

The Complete Guide to Fundraising Management. Stanley  Weinstein

The Complete Guide to Fundraising Management

Decision Support Systems for Business Intelligence. Vicki Sauter L.

Decision Support Systems for Business Intelligence

The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management. Andrew  Hiles

The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management

Financial Statistics and Mathematical Finance. Methods, Models and Applications. Ansgar  Steland

Financial Statistics and Mathematical Finance. Methods, Models and Applications

The Mining Valuation Handbook. Mining and Energy Valuation for Investors and Management. Victor  Rudenno

The Mining Valuation Handbook. Mining and Energy Valuation for Investors and Management

Network and Discrete Location. Models, Algorithms, and Applications. Mark Daskin S.

Network and Discrete Location. Models, Algorithms, and Applications

Der Weg zu Eco-Excellence. Nachhaltigkeit durch vernetztes Denken und Handeln am Beispiel der Bahnindustrie. Uta-Maria  Pfeiffer

Der Weg zu Eco-Excellence. Nachhaltigkeit durch vernetztes Denken und Handeln am Beispiel der Bahnindustrie

Sustainable Energy Pricing. Nature, Sustainable Engineering, and the Science of Energy Pricing. Gary Zatzman M.

Sustainable Energy Pricing. Nature, Sustainable Engineering, and the Science of Energy Pricing

Selling Big to China. Negotiating Principles for the World's Largest Market. Morry  Morgan

Selling Big to China. Negotiating Principles for the World's Largest Market

The Association Guide to Going Global. New Strategies for a Changing Economic Landscape. Steven  Worth

The Association Guide to Going Global. New Strategies for a Changing Economic Landscape

Playing to Wiin. Nintendo and the Video Game Industry's Greatest Comeback. Daniel  Sloan

Playing to Wiin. Nintendo and the Video Game Industry's Greatest Comeback

The Profitable Art and Science of Vibratrading. Non-Directional Vibrational Trading Methodologies for Consistent Profits. Mark Lim Andrew

The Profitable Art and Science of Vibratrading. Non-Directional Vibrational Trading Methodologies for Consistent Profits

Reflections on Groups and Organizations. On the Couch With Manfred Kets de Vries. Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Reflections on Groups and Organizations. On the Couch With Manfred Kets de Vries

The Ultimate Guide to Sales Training. Potent Tactics to Accelerate Sales Performance. Dan  Seidman

The Ultimate Guide to Sales Training. Potent Tactics to Accelerate Sales Performance

The Global Manufacturing Revolution. Product-Process-Business Integration and Reconfigurable Systems. Yoram  Koren

The Global Manufacturing Revolution. Product-Process-Business Integration and Reconfigurable Systems

The Intuitive Mind. Profiting from the Power of Your Sixth Sense. Eugene  Sadler-Smith

The Intuitive Mind. Profiting from the Power of Your Sixth Sense

The Nonprofit Leadership Transition and Development Guide. Proven Paths for Leaders and Organizations. Tom  Adams

The Nonprofit Leadership Transition and Development Guide. Proven Paths for Leaders and Organizations

The Online Learning Idea Book. Proven Ways to Enhance Technology-Based and Blended Learning. Patti  Shank

The Online Learning Idea Book. Proven Ways to Enhance Technology-Based and Blended Learning

The Marketer's Handbook. Reassessing Marketing Techniques for Modern Business. Laurie  Young

The Marketer's Handbook. Reassessing Marketing Techniques for Modern Business

The Business of Influence. Reframing Marketing and PR for the Digital Age. Philip  Sheldrake

The Business of Influence. Reframing Marketing and PR for the Digital Age

Seen, Heard and Counted. Rethinking Care in a Development Context. Shahra  Razavi

Seen, Heard and Counted. Rethinking Care in a Development Context

The Social Media Handbook. Rules, Policies, and Best Practices to Successfully Manage Your Organization's Social Media Presence, Posts, and Potential. Nancy  Flynn

The Social Media Handbook. Rules, Policies, and Best Practices to Successfully Manage Your Organization's Social Media Presence, Posts, and Potential

The Power of Collaborative Solutions. Six Principles and Effective Tools for Building Healthy Communities. Tom  Wolff

The Power of Collaborative Solutions. Six Principles and Effective Tools for Building Healthy Communities

Three Threats to Brand Relevance. Strategies That Work. David Aaker A.

Three Threats to Brand Relevance. Strategies That Work

Public Budgeting in Context. Structure, Law, Reform and Results. Katherine Willoughby G.

Public Budgeting in Context. Structure, Law, Reform and Results

High Performance Companies. Successful Strategies from the World's Top Achievers. Nitin  Pangarkar

High Performance Companies. Successful Strategies from the World's Top Achievers

The New Pioneers. Sustainable business success through social innovation and social entrepreneurship. Tania  Ellis

The New Pioneers. Sustainable business success through social innovation and social entrepreneurship

Social Media for Trainers. Techniques for Enhancing and Extending Learning. Jane  Bozarth

Social Media for Trainers. Techniques for Enhancing and Extending Learning

Harmonic Elliott Wave. The Case for Modification of R. N. Elliott's Impulsive Wave Structure. Ian  Copsey

Harmonic Elliott Wave. The Case for Modification of R. N. Elliott's Impulsive Wave Structure

An Introduction to the Chinese Economy. The Driving Forces Behind Modern Day China. Rongxing  Guo

An Introduction to the Chinese Economy. The Driving Forces Behind Modern Day China

Business Intelligence. The Effectiveness of Strategic Intelligence and its Impact on the Performance of Organizations. Corine  Cohen

Business Intelligence. The Effectiveness of Strategic Intelligence and its Impact on the Performance of Organizations

Making Sense of the Organization, Volume 2. The Impermanent Organization. Karl Weick E.

Making Sense of the Organization, Volume 2. The Impermanent Organization

How China's Leaders Think. The Inside Story of China's Past, Current and Future Leaders. Robert Kuhn Lawrence

How China's Leaders Think. The Inside Story of China's Past, Current and Future Leaders

Extreme Money. The Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk. Satyajit  Das

Extreme Money. The Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk

Counterparty Credit Risk. The new challenge for global financial markets. Jon  Gregory

Counterparty Credit Risk. The new challenge for global financial markets

The Shipping Point. The Rise of China and the Future of Retail Supply Chain Management. Peter Levesque J.

The Shipping Point. The Rise of China and the Future of Retail Supply Chain Management

The Secrets of Facilitation. The SMART Guide to Getting Results with Groups. Michael  Wilkinson

The Secrets of Facilitation. The SMART Guide to Getting Results with Groups

American Wheels, Chinese Roads. The Story of General Motors in China. Michael Dunne J.

American Wheels, Chinese Roads. The Story of General Motors in China

Engage. The Trainer's Guide to Learning Styles. Jeanine  O'Neill-Blackwell

Engage. The Trainer's Guide to Learning Styles

The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research. Tools and Techniques for Market Researchers. Ray  Poynter

The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research. Tools and Techniques for Market Researchers

The Trainer's Handbook of Leadership Development. Tools, Techniques, and Activities. Karen  Lawson

The Trainer's Handbook of Leadership Development. Tools, Techniques, and Activities

The 2010 Pfeiffer Annual. Training. Elaine  Biech

The 2010 Pfeiffer Annual. Training

The 2012 Pfeiffer Annual. Training. Elaine  Biech

The 2012 Pfeiffer Annual. Training