Раздел: зарубежная деловая литература

Business Intelligence. The Effectiveness of Strategic Intelligence and its Impact on the Performance of Organizations. Corine  Cohen

Business Intelligence. The Effectiveness of Strategic Intelligence and its Impact on the Performance of Organizations

Making Sense of the Organization, Volume 2. The Impermanent Organization. Karl Weick E.

Making Sense of the Organization, Volume 2. The Impermanent Organization

How China's Leaders Think. The Inside Story of China's Past, Current and Future Leaders. Robert Kuhn Lawrence

How China's Leaders Think. The Inside Story of China's Past, Current and Future Leaders

Extreme Money. The Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk. Satyajit  Das

Extreme Money. The Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk

Counterparty Credit Risk. The new challenge for global financial markets. Jon  Gregory

Counterparty Credit Risk. The new challenge for global financial markets

The Shipping Point. The Rise of China and the Future of Retail Supply Chain Management. Peter Levesque J.

The Shipping Point. The Rise of China and the Future of Retail Supply Chain Management

The Secrets of Facilitation. The SMART Guide to Getting Results with Groups. Michael  Wilkinson

The Secrets of Facilitation. The SMART Guide to Getting Results with Groups

American Wheels, Chinese Roads. The Story of General Motors in China. Michael Dunne J.

American Wheels, Chinese Roads. The Story of General Motors in China

Engage. The Trainer's Guide to Learning Styles. Jeanine  O'Neill-Blackwell

Engage. The Trainer's Guide to Learning Styles

The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research. Tools and Techniques for Market Researchers. Ray  Poynter

The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research. Tools and Techniques for Market Researchers

The Trainer's Handbook of Leadership Development. Tools, Techniques, and Activities. Karen  Lawson

The Trainer's Handbook of Leadership Development. Tools, Techniques, and Activities

The 2010 Pfeiffer Annual. Training. Elaine  Biech

The 2010 Pfeiffer Annual. Training

The 2012 Pfeiffer Annual. Training. Elaine  Biech

The 2012 Pfeiffer Annual. Training

Effective Group Coaching. Tried and Tested Tools and Resources for Optimum Coaching Results. Jennifer Britton J.

Effective Group Coaching. Tried and Tested Tools and Resources for Optimum Coaching Results

Trading Triads. Unlocking the Secrets of Market Structure and Trading in Any Market. Felipe  Tudela

Trading Triads. Unlocking the Secrets of Market Structure and Trading in Any Market

EQ and Leadership In Asia. Using Emotional Intelligence To Lead And Inspire Your People. Sebastien  Henry

EQ and Leadership In Asia. Using Emotional Intelligence To Lead And Inspire Your People

Common Sense Talent Management. Using Strategic Human Resources to Improve Company Performance. Steven Hunt T.

Common Sense Talent Management. Using Strategic Human Resources to Improve Company Performance

Models. Behaving. Badly. Why Confusing Illusion with Reality Can Lead to Disaster, on Wall Street and in Life. Emanuel  Derman

Models. Behaving. Badly. Why Confusing Illusion with Reality Can Lead to Disaster, on Wall Street and in Life

Social Media Rules of Engagement. Why Your Online Narrative is the Best Weapon During a Crisis. Nicole  Matejic

Social Media Rules of Engagement. Why Your Online Narrative is the Best Weapon During a Crisis

Making Capitalism Fit For Society. Colin  Crouch

Making Capitalism Fit For Society

The Blackwell Companion to Maritime Economics. Wayne Talley K.

The Blackwell Companion to Maritime Economics

Designing Online Learning with Flash. David Moore Richard

Designing Online Learning with Flash

Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government. Stephen Condrey E.

Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government

The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance. BoardSource

The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance

FX Options and Smile Risk. Antonio  Castagna

FX Options and Smile Risk

Managing Customers Through Economic Cycles. John  McKean

Managing Customers Through Economic Cycles

Bank and Insurance Capital Management. Frans de Weert

Bank and Insurance Capital Management

Lexus. The Relentless Pursuit. Chester  Dawson

Lexus. The Relentless Pursuit

The Online Trading Cookbook. Alpesh  Patel

The Online Trading Cookbook

Principles of Quantitative Development. Manoj  Thulasidas

Principles of Quantitative Development

Swaps and Other Derivatives. Richard Flavell R.

Swaps and Other Derivatives

A Foreign Exchange Primer. Shani  Shamah

A Foreign Exchange Primer

Schwarmintelligenz im Unternehmen. Wie sich vernetzte Intelligenz f?r Innovation und permanente Erneuerung nutzen l?sst. Jochen  May

Schwarmintelligenz im Unternehmen. Wie sich vernetzte Intelligenz f?r Innovation und permanente Erneuerung nutzen l?sst

Extreme Events. Robust Portfolio Construction in the Presence of Fat Tails. Malcolm  Kemp

Extreme Events. Robust Portfolio Construction in the Presence of Fat Tails

Dezentrales Marketing und Crowdsourcing. Warum und wie sich das Marketing neu erfinden muss. Hans-J?rgen Borchardt

Dezentrales Marketing und Crowdsourcing. Warum und wie sich das Marketing neu erfinden muss

Visual Design Solutions. Principles and Creative Inspiration for Learning Professionals. Connie Malamed

Visual Design Solutions. Principles and Creative Inspiration for Learning Professionals

Private Capital Markets. Valuation, Capitalization, and Transfer of Private Business Interests. Robert Slee T.

Private Capital Markets. Valuation, Capitalization, and Transfer of Private Business Interests

More Jolts! Activities to Wake up and Engage Your Participants. Sivasailam  Thiagarajan

More Jolts! Activities to Wake up and Engage Your Participants

Option Pricing and Estimation of Financial Models with R. Stefano Iacus M.

Option Pricing and Estimation of Financial Models with R

Frequently Asked Questions on Anti-Bribery and Corruption. David  Lawler

Frequently Asked Questions on Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Membership Rules! The Art of Selling What Matters. Sheri  Jacobs

Membership Rules! The Art of Selling What Matters

Simple Tools and Techniques for Enterprise Risk Management. Robert Chapman J.

Simple Tools and Techniques for Enterprise Risk Management

Carr and Latham's Technology of Clothing Manufacture. David Tyler J.

Carr and Latham's Technology of Clothing Manufacture

Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making. Sam  Kaner

Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making

Michael Allen's 2012 e-Learning Annual. Michael Allen W.

Michael Allen's 2012 e-Learning Annual

Organic Materials for Sustainable Civil Engineering. Yves  Mouton

Organic Materials for Sustainable Civil Engineering

Professionell Pr?sentieren in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften. Berndt  Feuerbacher

Professionell Pr?sentieren in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften

The Book of Road-Tested Activities. Elaine  Biech

The Book of Road-Tested Activities

The Practice of Professional Consulting. Edward Verlander G.

The Practice of Professional Consulting

The NASAGA Training Activity Book. Judith Blohm M.

The NASAGA Training Activity Book