Раздел: техническая литература

Resistant Starch. Sources, Applications and Health Benefits. Maningat Clodualdo C.

Resistant Starch. Sources, Applications and Health Benefits

Centrarchid Fishes. Diversity, Biology and Conservation. Philipp David P.

Centrarchid Fishes. Diversity, Biology and Conservation

Water Quality Engineering. Physical / Chemical Treatment Processes. Lawler Desmond F.

Water Quality Engineering. Physical / Chemical Treatment Processes

Polymer Processing. Principles and Design. Collias Dimitris I.

Polymer Processing. Principles and Design

Micro-Cutting. Fundamentals and Applications. Huo Dr. Dehong

Micro-Cutting. Fundamentals and Applications

Dense Phase Carbon Dioxide. Food and Pharmaceutical Applications. Ferrentino Giovanna

Dense Phase Carbon Dioxide. Food and Pharmaceutical Applications

Conjugated Polyelectrolytes. Fundamentals and Applications. Liu Bin

Conjugated Polyelectrolytes. Fundamentals and Applications

Chocolate. History, Culture, and Heritage. Grivetti Louis E.

Chocolate. History, Culture, and Heritage

Thermal Processing of Ready-to-Eat Meat Products. Knipe C. Lynn

Thermal Processing of Ready-to-Eat Meat Products

Critical Component Wear in Heavy Duty Engines. Nayak Nagaraj S.

Critical Component Wear in Heavy Duty Engines

Risk and Safety Analysis of Nuclear Systems. McCormick Norman J.

Risk and Safety Analysis of Nuclear Systems

Smart Data. Enterprise Performance Optimization Strategy. George James A.

Smart Data. Enterprise Performance Optimization Strategy

Computer Processing of Remotely-Sensed Images. An Introduction. Koch Magaly

Computer Processing of Remotely-Sensed Images. An Introduction

Concise Encyclopedia of High Performance Silicones. Soucek Mark D.

Concise Encyclopedia of High Performance Silicones

Practical Methods for Biocatalysis and Biotransformations 2. Whittall John

Practical Methods for Biocatalysis and Biotransformations 2

Handbook of Transition Metal Polymerization Catalysts. Mathers Robert T.

Handbook of Transition Metal Polymerization Catalysts

Scanning Probe Microscopy of Soft Matter. Fundamentals and Practices. Singamaneni Srikanth

Scanning Probe Microscopy of Soft Matter. Fundamentals and Practices

Principles of Broadband Switching and Networking. Liew Soung C.

Principles of Broadband Switching and Networking

Design and Control of Distillation Systems for Separating Azeotropes. Luyben William L.

Design and Control of Distillation Systems for Separating Azeotropes

An Introduction to Nuclear Materials. Fundamentals and Applications. Charit Indrajit

An Introduction to Nuclear Materials. Fundamentals and Applications

Improving Profitability Through Green Manufacturing. Creating a Profitable and Environmentally Compliant Manufacturing Facility. DuVall J. Barry

Improving Profitability Through Green Manufacturing. Creating a Profitable and Environmentally Compliant Manufacturing Facility

Interdisciplinary Mechatronics. Engineering Science and Research Development. Habib M. K.

Interdisciplinary Mechatronics. Engineering Science and Research Development

Characterization of Solid Materials and Heterogeneous Catalysts. From Structure to Surface Reactivity. Che Michel

Characterization of Solid Materials and Heterogeneous Catalysts. From Structure to Surface Reactivity

Computer Relaying for Power Systems. Phadke Arun G.

Computer Relaying for Power Systems

Evolutionary Computing in Advanced Manufacturing. Harding Jenny A.

Evolutionary Computing in Advanced Manufacturing

Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymers. Ward Ian M.

Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymers

Grounds for Grounding. A Circuit to System Handbook. Joffe Elya B.

Grounds for Grounding. A Circuit to System Handbook

Polysaccharide Building Blocks. A Sustainable Approach to the Development of Renewable Biomaterials. Lucia Lucian A.

Polysaccharide Building Blocks. A Sustainable Approach to the Development of Renewable Biomaterials

Analysis of Antioxidant-Rich Phytochemicals. Howard Luke R.

Analysis of Antioxidant-Rich Phytochemicals

Food and Beverage Packaging Technology. Coles Richard

Food and Beverage Packaging Technology

RF / Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Applications. Rohde Ulrich L.

RF / Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Applications

Geological Storage of CO2. Modeling Approaches for Large-Scale Simulation. Nordbotten Jan Martin

Geological Storage of CO2. Modeling Approaches for Large-Scale Simulation

Green Corrosion Chemistry and Engineering. Opportunities and Challenges. Eddy Nabuk Okon

Green Corrosion Chemistry and Engineering. Opportunities and Challenges

Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures. Synthesis, Characterization, Functionalization, and Applications. Guldi Dirk M.

Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures. Synthesis, Characterization, Functionalization, and Applications

Handbook for Cleaning for Semiconductor Manufacturing. Fundamentals and Applications. Reinhardt Karen A.

Handbook for Cleaning for Semiconductor Manufacturing. Fundamentals and Applications

Complexity Theory and Project Management. Curlee Wanda

Complexity Theory and Project Management

Ethics in Science and Engineering. Speight James G.

Ethics in Science and Engineering

Steps to Safety Culture Excellence. Mathis Terry L.

Steps to Safety Culture Excellence

What is What in the Nanoworld. A Handbook on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Ossicini Stefano

What is What in the Nanoworld. A Handbook on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Fundamental Principles of Polymeric Materials. Rosen Stephen L.

Fundamental Principles of Polymeric Materials

Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design. Root Thatcher W.

Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design

RF and Microwave Electromagnetism. Jarry Pierre

RF and Microwave Electromagnetism

Bioeconomics of Fisheries Management. Seijo Juan Carlos

Bioeconomics of Fisheries Management

Understanding the Nanotechnology Revolution. Medikonda Manasa

Understanding the Nanotechnology Revolution

Advances in Dairy Ingredients. Augustin Mary Ann

Advances in Dairy Ingredients

Hydrogel Micro and Nanoparticles. Lyon L. Andrew

Hydrogel Micro and Nanoparticles

The Vertical Transportation Handbook. Caporale Robert S.

The Vertical Transportation Handbook

Cold-Formed Steel Design. Yu Wei-Wen

Cold-Formed Steel Design

Essentials of Thermal Processing. Tucker Gary S.

Essentials of Thermal Processing

Design for Reliability. Raheja Dev G.

Design for Reliability