Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература

The Cryosphere and Global Environmental Change. Slaymaker Olav

The Cryosphere and Global Environmental Change

Multi-Mode / Multi-Band RF Transceivers for Wireless Communications. Advanced Techniques, Architectures, and Trends. Hueber Gernot

Multi-Mode / Multi-Band RF Transceivers for Wireless Communications. Advanced Techniques, Architectures, and Trends

Time Series Analysis in Meteorology and Climatology. An Introduction. Hale Robert

Time Series Analysis in Meteorology and Climatology. An Introduction

Translational Genomics for Crop Breeding. Volume 1 - Biotic Stress. Varshney Rajeev

Translational Genomics for Crop Breeding. Volume 1 - Biotic Stress

Translational Genomics for Crop Breeding. Volume 2 - Improvement for Abiotic Stress, Quality and Yield Improvement. Varshney Rajeev

Translational Genomics for Crop Breeding. Volume 2 - Improvement for Abiotic Stress, Quality and Yield Improvement

Annual Plant Reviews, Plant Systems Biology. Guti?rrez Rodrigo

Annual Plant Reviews, Plant Systems Biology

Coastal Environments and Global Change. Gehrels Roland

Coastal Environments and Global Change

ADME-Enabling Technologies in Drug Design and Development. Surapaneni Sekhar

ADME-Enabling Technologies in Drug Design and Development

Using Typological Approaches to Understand College Student Experiences and Outcomes. New Directions for Institutional Research, Assessment Supplement 2011. Hu Shouping

Using Typological Approaches to Understand College Student Experiences and Outcomes. New Directions for Institutional Research, Assessment Supplement 2011

Antibody-Mediated Drug Delivery Systems. Concepts, Technology, and Applications. Pathak Yashwant

Antibody-Mediated Drug Delivery Systems. Concepts, Technology, and Applications

Asymmetric Synthesis II. More Methods and Applications. Br?se Stefan

Asymmetric Synthesis II. More Methods and Applications

European Climate Vulnerabilities and Adaptation. A Spatial Planning Perspective. Greiving Stefan

European Climate Vulnerabilities and Adaptation. A Spatial Planning Perspective

Arrow Pushing in Inorganic Chemistry. A Logical Approach to the Chemistry of the Main Group Elements. Ghosh Abhik

Arrow Pushing in Inorganic Chemistry. A Logical Approach to the Chemistry of the Main Group Elements

Data Visualization, Part 2. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 140. Evergreen Stephanie

Data Visualization, Part 2. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 140

Faculty and First-Generation College Students: Bridging the Classroom Gap Together. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 127. Harvey

Faculty and First-Generation College Students: Bridging the Classroom Gap Together. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 127

General Education Essentials. A Guide for College Faculty. Rhodes Terrel

General Education Essentials. A Guide for College Faculty

Power Performance. Multimedia Storytelling for Journalism and Public Relations. Silvia Tony

Power Performance. Multimedia Storytelling for Journalism and Public Relations

Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. A Practical Approach with Examples in Matlab. Breckon Toby

Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. A Practical Approach with Examples in Matlab

Green Chemistry for Environmental Remediation. Singh Vandana

Green Chemistry for Environmental Remediation

Thermally and Optically Stimulated Luminescence. A Simulation Approach. Chen Reuven

Thermally and Optically Stimulated Luminescence. A Simulation Approach

Clinical Anatomy. Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors. Ellis Harold

Clinical Anatomy. Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors

Lithium Compounds in Organic Synthesis. From Fundamentals to Applications. Capriati Vito

Lithium Compounds in Organic Synthesis. From Fundamentals to Applications

Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Analytical, Biophysical and Life Science Applications. Kiefer Wolfgang

Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Analytical, Biophysical and Life Science Applications

Catalysis in Electrochemistry. From Fundamental Aspects to Strategies for Fuel Cell Development. Schmickler Wolfgang

Catalysis in Electrochemistry. From Fundamental Aspects to Strategies for Fuel Cell Development

Chemistry and Analysis of Radionuclides. Laboratory Techniques and Methodology. Hou Xiaolin

Chemistry and Analysis of Radionuclides. Laboratory Techniques and Methodology

Elementary Particle Physics. Quantum Field Theory and Particles V1. Nagashima Yorikiyo

Elementary Particle Physics. Quantum Field Theory and Particles V1

Gene Discovery for Disease Models. Wang  Yongjun

Gene Discovery for Disease Models

Resource Allocation in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems. Optimal Solutions and Practical Implementations. Yaacoub Elias

Resource Allocation in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems. Optimal Solutions and Practical Implementations

The Chemistry of Metal Enolates, 2 Volume Set. Rappoport Zvi

The Chemistry of Metal Enolates, 2 Volume Set

Carbon Materials for Catalysis. Figueiredo Jos? Luis

Carbon Materials for Catalysis

Essentials of Pharmaceutical Preformulation. Gaisford Simon

Essentials of Pharmaceutical Preformulation

Handbook of Synthetic Photochemistry. Albini Angelo

Handbook of Synthetic Photochemistry

Refrigeration Systems and Applications. Kanoglu Mehmet

Refrigeration Systems and Applications

Mechanics of Solid Interfaces. Braccini Muriel

Mechanics of Solid Interfaces

Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics. Whitehouse David

Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics

Gas Turbine Propulsion Systems. MacIsaac Bernie

Gas Turbine Propulsion Systems

Introduction to Adaptive Lenses. Wu Shin-Tson

Introduction to Adaptive Lenses

Dictionary of Mass Spectrometry. Mallet Anthony

Dictionary of Mass Spectrometry

Fossils at a Glance. Milsom Clare

Fossils at a Glance

Lead-Nickel Electrochemical Batteries. Genies Sylvie

Lead-Nickel Electrochemical Batteries

Physics at the Terascale. Brock Ian

Physics at the Terascale

Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information. Fayngold Moses

Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information

Essentials of Computational Electromagnetics. Song Wei

Essentials of Computational Electromagnetics

Fractional Order Motion Controls. Luo  Ying

Fractional Order Motion Controls

Advanced Structural Ceramics. Basu Bikramjit

Advanced Structural Ceramics

What is Morphology?. Aronoff Mark

What is Morphology?

Motion Control Systems. Sabanovic Asif

Motion Control Systems

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Sperling Michael

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

Principles of Tribology. Wen Shizhu

Principles of Tribology

Genomics. Essential Methods. Elaswarapu Ramnath

Genomics. Essential Methods