Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература

Flood Risk Science and Management. Faulkner Hazel

Flood Risk Science and Management

Adult Civic Engagement in Adult Learning. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 135. Wrigley Heide Spruck

Adult Civic Engagement in Adult Learning. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 135

Multiscale Analysis and Nonlinear Dynamics. From Genes to the Brain. Pesenson Misha Meyer

Multiscale Analysis and Nonlinear Dynamics. From Genes to the Brain

Surface and Thin Film Analysis. A Compendium of Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications. Friedbacher Gernot

Surface and Thin Film Analysis. A Compendium of Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Drug Discovery and Clinical Applications. Kayser Oliver

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Drug Discovery and Clinical Applications

Eating Disorders and the Brain. Lask Bryan

Eating Disorders and the Brain

Ceramics Science and Technology, Volume 2. Materials and Properties. Chen I-Wei

Ceramics Science and Technology, Volume 2. Materials and Properties

Chemical and Biological Microsensors. Applications in Fluid Media. Fabry Pierre

Chemical and Biological Microsensors. Applications in Fluid Media

Airborne Measurements for Environmental Research. Methods and Instruments. Wendisch Manfred

Airborne Measurements for Environmental Research. Methods and Instruments

Elementarteilchen und ihre Wechselwirkungen. Schr?der Ulrich E.

Elementarteilchen und ihre Wechselwirkungen

The Structure of the Nucleon. Weise Wolfram

The Structure of the Nucleon

Transmembrane Dynamics of Lipids. Devaux Philippe

Transmembrane Dynamics of Lipids

Women and Educational Leadership. Shakeshaft Charol

Women and Educational Leadership

Introduction to Soil Mechanics. Jones Colin

Introduction to Soil Mechanics

Evolution after Gene Duplication. Dittmar Katharina

Evolution after Gene Duplication

Optical Engineering of Diamond. Mildren Rich

Optical Engineering of Diamond

Fourier Transforms in Spectroscopy. Kauppinen Jyrki

Fourier Transforms in Spectroscopy

War and Media. O'Loughlin Ben

War and Media

Electromagnetic Reverberation Chambers. Besnier Philippe

Electromagnetic Reverberation Chambers

Adventure Sport Physiology. Hodgson Christopher

Adventure Sport Physiology

Chemical Synthetic Biology. Chiarabelli Cristiano

Chemical Synthetic Biology

Geographic Information Analysis. O'Sullivan David

Geographic Information Analysis

Implant Site Development. Sonick Michael

Implant Site Development

International Private Equity. Talmor Eli

International Private Equity

Sustainable Healthcare Architecture. Guenther Robin

Sustainable Healthcare Architecture

Outstanding Marine Molecules. Barre Stephane La

Outstanding Marine Molecules

Molecular Switches. Feringa Ben L.

Molecular Switches

LTE Standards. Letamendia Charlotte

LTE Standards

Understanding Physics. O'Sullivan Colm

Understanding Physics

Cell Death. Vaux David

Cell Death

Mobile Backhaul. Salmelin Juha

Mobile Backhaul

Mechanical Instability. Malburet Fran?ois

Mechanical Instability

Plasma Medicine. Friedman Gary

Plasma Medicine

Assessing Student Learning. A Common Sense Guide. Banta Trudy W.

Assessing Student Learning. A Common Sense Guide

Hydrogeology. Principles and Practice. Hiscock Kevin M.

Hydrogeology. Principles and Practice

Evolutionary Biology. Cell-Cell Communication, and Complex Disease. Rehan Virender K.

Evolutionary Biology. Cell-Cell Communication, and Complex Disease

Supramolecular Photochemistry. Controlling Photochemical Processes. Inoue Yoshihisa

Supramolecular Photochemistry. Controlling Photochemical Processes

Bioremediation and Sustainability. Research and Applications. Mudhoo Ackmez

Bioremediation and Sustainability. Research and Applications

Bio-Glasses. An Introduction. Jones Julian

Bio-Glasses. An Introduction

Video Tracking. Theory and Practice. Maggio Emilio

Video Tracking. Theory and Practice

Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes. Ultrafast Optics and Relaxation Dynamics. Malic Ermin

Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes. Ultrafast Optics and Relaxation Dynamics

Tectonics of Sedimentary Basins. Recent Advances. Busby Cathy

Tectonics of Sedimentary Basins. Recent Advances

WCDMA for UMTS. HSPA Evolution and LTE. Holma Harri

WCDMA for UMTS. HSPA Evolution and LTE

Structural Steel Design to Eurocode 3 and AISC Specifications. Cordova Benedetto

Structural Steel Design to Eurocode 3 and AISC Specifications

Primary and Stem Cells. Gene Transfer Technologies and Applications. Thyagarajan Bhaskar

Primary and Stem Cells. Gene Transfer Technologies and Applications

HIV-1 Integrase. Mechanism and Inhibitor Design. Wang Binghe

HIV-1 Integrase. Mechanism and Inhibitor Design

?kobilanz (LCA). Ein Leitfaden f?r Ausbildung und Beruf. Grahl Birgit

?kobilanz (LCA). Ein Leitfaden f?r Ausbildung und Beruf

Telomerases. Chemistry, Biology and Clinical Applications. Lue Neal

Telomerases. Chemistry, Biology and Clinical Applications

A Companion to Greek Art. Plantzos Dimitris

A Companion to Greek Art

Ribosome-inactivating Proteins. Ricin and Related Proteins. Lappi Douglas

Ribosome-inactivating Proteins. Ricin and Related Proteins