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Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература
Flood Risk Science and Management
Adult Civic Engagement in Adult Learning. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 135
Multiscale Analysis and Nonlinear Dynamics. From Genes to the Brain
Surface and Thin Film Analysis. A Compendium of Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Drug Discovery and Clinical Applications
Eating Disorders and the Brain
Ceramics Science and Technology, Volume 2. Materials and Properties
Chemical and Biological Microsensors. Applications in Fluid Media
Airborne Measurements for Environmental Research. Methods and Instruments
Elementarteilchen und ihre Wechselwirkungen
The Structure of the Nucleon
Transmembrane Dynamics of Lipids
Women and Educational Leadership
Introduction to Soil Mechanics
Evolution after Gene Duplication
Optical Engineering of Diamond
Fourier Transforms in Spectroscopy
War and Media
Electromagnetic Reverberation Chambers
Adventure Sport Physiology
Chemical Synthetic Biology
Geographic Information Analysis
Implant Site Development
International Private Equity
Sustainable Healthcare Architecture
Outstanding Marine Molecules
Molecular Switches
LTE Standards
Understanding Physics
Cell Death
Mobile Backhaul
Mechanical Instability
Plasma Medicine
Assessing Student Learning. A Common Sense Guide
Hydrogeology. Principles and Practice
Evolutionary Biology. Cell-Cell Communication, and Complex Disease
Supramolecular Photochemistry. Controlling Photochemical Processes
Bioremediation and Sustainability. Research and Applications
Bio-Glasses. An Introduction
Video Tracking. Theory and Practice
Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes. Ultrafast Optics and Relaxation Dynamics
Tectonics of Sedimentary Basins. Recent Advances
WCDMA for UMTS. HSPA Evolution and LTE
Structural Steel Design to Eurocode 3 and AISC Specifications
Primary and Stem Cells. Gene Transfer Technologies and Applications
HIV-1 Integrase. Mechanism and Inhibitor Design
?kobilanz (LCA). Ein Leitfaden f?r Ausbildung und Beruf
Telomerases. Chemistry, Biology and Clinical Applications
A Companion to Greek Art
Ribosome-inactivating Proteins. Ricin and Related Proteins