Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература

Capitalism and Conservation. Brockington Dan

Capitalism and Conservation

Vowels and Consonants. Disner Sandra Ferrari

Vowels and Consonants

Air Quality Management. Taherzadeh Shahram

Air Quality Management

Landscapes of Capital. Papson Stephen

Landscapes of Capital

Operational Weather Forecasting. Dorling Steve

Operational Weather Forecasting

Duplex Stainless Steels. Degallaix-Moreuil Suzanne

Duplex Stainless Steels

Protein Engineering Handbook. Lutz Stefan

Protein Engineering Handbook

Catalytic Cascade Reactions. Wang  Wei

Catalytic Cascade Reactions

Modern Electroplating. Schlesinger Mordechay

Modern Electroplating

Quantum Oscillators. Henri-Rousseau Olivier

Quantum Oscillators

Environmental Geomechanics. Schrefler Bernard

Environmental Geomechanics

Atom Chips. Reichel Jakob

Atom Chips

Webcam. Sinanan Jolynna


Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie. Sperling Michael


System Identification. A Frequency Domain Approach. Schoukens Johan

System Identification. A Frequency Domain Approach

The Handbook of English Pronunciation. Reed Marnie

The Handbook of English Pronunciation

The Expert Witness in Construction. Horne Robert

The Expert Witness in Construction

Exploring Immunology. Concepts and Evidence. MacPherson Gordon

Exploring Immunology. Concepts and Evidence

The Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics. Conde-Silvestre Juan Camilo

The Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics

Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes. Agrochemicals. Dinges J?rgen

Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes. Agrochemicals

Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes. Pharmaceuticals. Dinges J?rgen

Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes. Pharmaceuticals

Laser, Licht und Leben. Techniken in der Medizin. Popp J?rgen

Laser, Licht und Leben. Techniken in der Medizin

Mathematische Modellbildung und Simulation. Eine Einf?hrung f?r Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und ?konomen. G?nther Marco

Mathematische Modellbildung und Simulation. Eine Einf?hrung f?r Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und ?konomen

The Retinoids. Biology, Biochemistry, and Disease. Niederreither Karen

The Retinoids. Biology, Biochemistry, and Disease

Non-Transformational Syntax. Formal and Explicit Models of Grammar. Borsley Robert

Non-Transformational Syntax. Formal and Explicit Models of Grammar

Protein NMR Spectroscopy. Practical Techniques and Applications. Lian Lu-Yun

Protein NMR Spectroscopy. Practical Techniques and Applications

Strategic Organizational Communication. In a Global Economy. Poole Marshall Scott

Strategic Organizational Communication. In a Global Economy

Modern Techniques for Pathogen Detection. Popp J?rgen

Modern Techniques for Pathogen Detection

Optical Imaging and Metrology. Advanced Technologies. Reingand Nadya

Optical Imaging and Metrology. Advanced Technologies

Blood Science. Principles and Pathology. Blann Andrew

Blood Science. Principles and Pathology

Searching Skills Toolkit. Finding the Evidence. Pearce-Smith Nicola

Searching Skills Toolkit. Finding the Evidence

Isotopic Analysis. Fundamentals and Applications Using ICP-MS. Degryse Patrick

Isotopic Analysis. Fundamentals and Applications Using ICP-MS

Geothermal Energy Systems. Exploration, Development, and Utilization. Ledru Patrick

Geothermal Energy Systems. Exploration, Development, and Utilization

Synergetic Agents. From Multi-Robot Systems to Molecular Robotics. Levi Paul

Synergetic Agents. From Multi-Robot Systems to Molecular Robotics

Bioinspired Catalysis. Metal-Sulfur Complexes. Schollhammer Philippe

Bioinspired Catalysis. Metal-Sulfur Complexes

The Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism. Li  Ping

The Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism

Body Area Communications. Channel Modeling, Communication Systems, and EMC. Wang  Qiong

Body Area Communications. Channel Modeling, Communication Systems, and EMC

Resistive Switching. From Fundamentals of Nanoionic Redox Processes to Memristive Device Applications. Waser Rainer

Resistive Switching. From Fundamentals of Nanoionic Redox Processes to Memristive Device Applications

The Warming Papers. The Scientific Foundation for the Climate Change Forecast. Pierrehumbert Raymond

The Warming Papers. The Scientific Foundation for the Climate Change Forecast

Dioxine. Chemie, Analytik, Vorkommen, Umweltverhalten und Toxikologie der halogenierten Dibenzo-p-dioxine und Dibenzofurane. Bacher Reiner

Dioxine. Chemie, Analytik, Vorkommen, Umweltverhalten und Toxikologie der halogenierten Dibenzo-p-dioxine und Dibenzofurane

Die Menschen Macher. Sehnsucht nach Unsterblichkeit. Minol Sabine

Die Menschen Macher. Sehnsucht nach Unsterblichkeit

Family Legacy and Leadership. Preserving True Family Wealth in Challenging Times. Hamilton Sara

Family Legacy and Leadership. Preserving True Family Wealth in Challenging Times

Charles Darwin. Die Entstehung der Arten. Wrede Paul

Charles Darwin. Die Entstehung der Arten

The Chemical Bond. Fundamental Aspects of Chemical Bonding. Frenking Gernot

The Chemical Bond. Fundamental Aspects of Chemical Bonding

Convective Heat Transfer. Solved Problems. Tardu Sedat

Convective Heat Transfer. Solved Problems

Adaptive Signal Processing. Next Generation Solutions. Adali T?lay

Adaptive Signal Processing. Next Generation Solutions

Mobile Positioning and Tracking. From Conventional to Cooperative Techniques. Frattasi Simone

Mobile Positioning and Tracking. From Conventional to Cooperative Techniques

Flexible Viruses. Structural Disorder in Viral Proteins. Uversky Vladimir

Flexible Viruses. Structural Disorder in Viral Proteins

Biomedical Sciences. Essential Laboratory Medicine. Docherty Suzanne

Biomedical Sciences. Essential Laboratory Medicine

Applied Sport Psychology. A Case-Based Approach. Holder Tim

Applied Sport Psychology. A Case-Based Approach