Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература

Cancer. Basic Science and Clinical Aspects. Barry Sheila A.

Cancer. Basic Science and Clinical Aspects

Heterocycles in Natural Product Synthesis. Chattopadhyay Shital K.

Heterocycles in Natural Product Synthesis

The Evolutionary Strategies that Shape Ecosystems. Grime J. Philip

The Evolutionary Strategies that Shape Ecosystems

Prioritizing Academic Programs and Services. Reallocating Resources to Achieve Strategic Balance, Revised and Updated. Ikenberry Stanley O.

Prioritizing Academic Programs and Services. Reallocating Resources to Achieve Strategic Balance, Revised and Updated

Suicide Risk Management. A Manual for Health Professionals. Chehil Sonia

Suicide Risk Management. A Manual for Health Professionals

In Transition: Adult Higher Education Governance in Private Institutions. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 159. Ellis J. Richard

In Transition: Adult Higher Education Governance in Private Institutions. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 159

Letters to a Young Chemist. Ghosh Abhik

Letters to a Young Chemist

Oxidation of Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins. Kinetics and Mechanism. Rokita Steven E.

Oxidation of Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins. Kinetics and Mechanism

Introductory Bioelectronics. For Engineers and Physical Scientists. Pethig Ronald R.

Introductory Bioelectronics. For Engineers and Physical Scientists

Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition. A Practical Guide. Mackey Alison

Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition. A Practical Guide

Critical Perspectives on Global Competition in Higher Education. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 168. Portnoi

Critical Perspectives on Global Competition in Higher Education. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 168

Solid State NMR Studies of Biopolymers. McDermott Anne E.

Solid State NMR Studies of Biopolymers

An Introduction to Bioreactor Hydrodynamics and Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer. Heindel Theodore J.

An Introduction to Bioreactor Hydrodynamics and Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer

Laser Surface Modification and Adhesion. Mittal K. L.

Laser Surface Modification and Adhesion

Handbook of Battery Materials. Daniel Claus

Handbook of Battery Materials

Polyploid and Hybrid Genomics. Chen Z. Jeffrey

Polyploid and Hybrid Genomics

Handbook of Therapeutic Antibodies. Reichert Janice M.

Handbook of Therapeutic Antibodies

Biocatalysis and Biomolecular Engineering. Shaw Jei-Fu

Biocatalysis and Biomolecular Engineering

Historicising Gender and Sexuality. Spear Jennifer M.

Historicising Gender and Sexuality

Elements of Environmental Chemistry. Hites Ronald A.

Elements of Environmental Chemistry

In Vivo Glucose Sensing. Cunningham David D.

In Vivo Glucose Sensing

Crystallography and Crystal Defects. Kelly Anthony

Crystallography and Crystal Defects

Global Issues. An Introduction. Seitz John L.

Global Issues. An Introduction

Quantitative Modeling in Toxicology. Krishnan Kannan

Quantitative Modeling in Toxicology

Heidegger and the Media. Gunkel David

Heidegger and the Media

Silver in Organic Chemistry. Harmata Michael

Silver in Organic Chemistry

Methods in Physical Chemistry. Schmidt Peter C.

Methods in Physical Chemistry

Interpretation of Organic Spectra. Ernst Richard R.

Interpretation of Organic Spectra

Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution. Higgs Paul G.

Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution

Plant Centromere Biology. Jiang Jiming

Plant Centromere Biology

Basic Gas Chromatography. Miller James M.

Basic Gas Chromatography

Reframing Academic Leadership. Bolman Lee G.

Reframing Academic Leadership

Theorizing Crisis Communication. Seeger Matthew W.

Theorizing Crisis Communication

Calcium Binding Proteins. Kretsinger Robert H.

Calcium Binding Proteins

Adhesion in Microelectronics. Mittal K. L.

Adhesion in Microelectronics

Xenopus Development. Kubiak Jacek Z.

Xenopus Development

Heat Conduction. M. ?zisik

Heat Conduction

European Media. Negrine Ralph M.

European Media

Conservation Biogeography. Ladle Richard

Conservation Biogeography

Tectonic Geomorphology. Burbank Douglas W.

Tectonic Geomorphology

Marine Geochemistry. Jickells Tim D.

Marine Geochemistry

Stepping Up to Stepping Out: Helping Students Prepare for Life After College. New Directions for Student Services, Number 138. McClellan George S.

Stepping Up to Stepping Out: Helping Students Prepare for Life After College. New Directions for Student Services, Number 138

Linguistics. Hengeveld Kees


Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Core Principles for Practice. Fisher Jane E.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Core Principles for Practice

Forensic Botany. A Practical Guide. Byrd Jason

Forensic Botany. A Practical Guide

Coastal-Marine Conservation. Science and Policy. Ray G. Carleton

Coastal-Marine Conservation. Science and Policy

Multilayer Thin Films. Sequential Assembly of Nanocomposite Materials. Decher Gero

Multilayer Thin Films. Sequential Assembly of Nanocomposite Materials

Basin Analysis. Principles and Applications. Allen John R.

Basin Analysis. Principles and Applications

Biomarkers. In Medicine, Drug Discovery, and Environmental Health. Vaidya Vishal S.

Biomarkers. In Medicine, Drug Discovery, and Environmental Health

The Excellent Online Instructor. Strategies for Professional Development. Palloff Rena M.

The Excellent Online Instructor. Strategies for Professional Development