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Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература
CSR Strategies. Corporate Social Responsibility for a Competitive Edge in Emerging Markets
The Birds, the Bees and the Platypuses. Crazy, Sexy and Cool Stories from Science
Noch mehr Experimente mit Supermarktprodukten. Das Periodensystem als Wegweiser
Planning and Assessment in Higher Education. Demonstrating Institutional Effectiveness
Ethnography Essentials. Designing, Conducting, and Presenting Your Research
Bakterien r?sten auf. EHEC & MRSA
Gaschromatographie in Bildern. Eine Einf?hrung
Psychologie im Projektmanagement. Eine Einf?hrung f?r Projektmanager und Teams
Die Chemie und ihre Methoden. Eine Philosophiche Betrachtung
Bemessung von Befestigungen in Beton. Einf?hrung mit Beispielen
Computational Methods for Large Systems. Electronic Structure Approaches for Biotechnology and Nanotechnology
Dying Words. Endangered Languages and What They Have to Tell Us
Physical Processes and Measurement Devices. Environmental Hydraulics
Equilibrium and Transfer in Porous Media 1. Equilibrium States
Second Generation Biofuels and Biomass. Essential Guide for Investors, Scientists and Decision Makers
Animal Cell Culture. Essential Methods
Immunohistochemistry and Immunocytochemistry. Essential Methods
Blending Play Therapy with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Evidence-Based and Other Effective Treatments and Techniques
Blog Theory. Feedback and Capture in the Circuits of Drive
Process Understanding. For Scale-Up and Manufacture of Active Ingredients
Essentials of Inorganic Chemistry. For Students of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Medicinal Chemistry
Transparent Shells. Form, Topology, Structure
Effective Online Teaching. Foundations and Strategies for Student Success
Mindfulness-integrated CBT for Well-being and Personal Growth. Four Steps to Enhance Inner Calm, Self-Confidence and Relationships
Organometallics in Synthesis. Fourth Manual
Stem Cells. From Biology to Therapy
Flow and Transport in Porous Media and Fractured Rock. From Classical Methods to Modern Approaches
Introducing Proteomics. From Concepts to Sample Separation, Mass Spectrometry and Data Analysis
Autonomous Learning Systems. From Data Streams to Knowledge in Real-time
Practical Relativity. From First Principles to the Theory of Gravity
Biomolecular Information Processing. From Logic Systems to Smart Sensors and Actuators
Understanding LTE with MATLAB. From Mathematical Modeling to Simulation and Prototyping
Molecular and Supramolecular Information Processing. From Molecular Switches to Logic Systems
A Social History of Knowledge II. From the Encyclopaedia to Wikipedia
Nanoparticles. From Theory to Application
Power Ultrasound in Electrochemistry. From Versatile Laboratory Tool to Engineering Solution
Rare Earth Coordination Chemistry. Fundamentals and Applications
Chemical Sensors and Biosensors. Fundamentals and Applications
The Rare Earth Elements. Fundamentals and Applications
Electrical Phenomena at Interfaces and Biointerfaces. Fundamentals and Applications in Nano-, Bio-, and Environmental Sciences
Stable Radicals. Fundamentals and Applied Aspects of Odd-Electron Compounds
Assay Development. Fundamentals and Practices
Electrospray and MALDI Mass Spectrometry. Fundamentals, Instrumentation, Practicalities, and Biological Applications
An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology. Fundamentals, Methods and Applications
Optische Mikroskopie. Funktionsweise und Kontrastierverfahren
iPad for the Older and Wiser. Get Up and Running Safely and Quickly with the Apple iPad
The World Economy. Global Trade Policy 2011
Laser Metrology in Fluid Mechanics. Granulometry, Temperature and Concentration Measurements
Mentor. Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners (with New Foreword, Introduction, and Afterword)
Wissenschaftlich erwiesen. G?tesiegel oder Etikettenschwindel?