Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература

Tools for Signal Compression. Applications to Speech and Audio Coding. Nicolas  Moreau

Tools for Signal Compression. Applications to Speech and Audio Coding

Equilibrium and Transfer in Porous Media 3. Applications, Isothermal Transport and Coupled Transfers. Jean-Fran?ois Da?an

Equilibrium and Transfer in Porous Media 3. Applications, Isothermal Transport and Coupled Transfers

Chemical Biology. Approaches to Drug Discovery and Development to Targeting Disease. Natanya  Civjan

Chemical Biology. Approaches to Drug Discovery and Development to Targeting Disease

Creative Industries in China. Art, Design and Media. Michael  Keane

Creative Industries in China. Art, Design and Media

Understanding Institutional Diversity in American Higher Education. ASHE Higher Education Report, 39:3. Michael  Harris

Understanding Institutional Diversity in American Higher Education. ASHE Higher Education Report, 39:3


Representing "U": Popular Culture, Media, and Higher Education. ASHE Higher Education Report, 40:4

Student Engagement Online: What Works and Why. ASHE Higher Education Report, Volume 40, Number 6. Katrina Meyer A.

Student Engagement Online: What Works and Why. ASHE Higher Education Report, Volume 40, Number 6

Understanding and Facilitating Organizational Change in the 21st Century: Recent Research and Conceptualizations. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, Volume 28, Number 4. Adrianna  Kezar

Understanding and Facilitating Organizational Change in the 21st Century: Recent Research and Conceptualizations. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, Volume 28, Number 4

Ultraschneller Tauchgang in die Atome. Attosekunden-Blitze erkunden den Quantenkosmos. Thorsten  Naeser

Ultraschneller Tauchgang in die Atome. Attosekunden-Blitze erkunden den Quantenkosmos

Chemische Experimente in Schl?ssern, Kl?stern und Museen. Aus Hexenk?che und Zauberlabor. Prof. Schwedt Georg

Chemische Experimente in Schl?ssern, Kl?stern und Museen. Aus Hexenk?che und Zauberlabor

Making Sense of Agile Project Management. Balancing Control and Agility. Charles Cobb G.

Making Sense of Agile Project Management. Balancing Control and Agility

Toxikologie. Band 1 Grundlagen der Toxikologie. Hans-Werner  Vohr

Toxikologie. Band 1 Grundlagen der Toxikologie

Toxikologie. Band 2 - Toxikologie der Stoffe. Hans-Werner  Vohr

Toxikologie. Band 2 - Toxikologie der Stoffe

Lessons from Fort Apache. Beyond Language Endangerment and Maintenance. M. Nevins Eleanor

Lessons from Fort Apache. Beyond Language Endangerment and Maintenance

Nobelpreise. Brisante Affairen, umstrittene Entscheidungen. Heinrich  Zankl

Nobelpreise. Brisante Affairen, umstrittene Entscheidungen

Mediation Ethics. Cases and Commentaries. Ellen  Waldman

Mediation Ethics. Cases and Commentaries

Directed Evolution of Selective Enzymes. Catalysts for Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology. Manfred Reetz T.

Directed Evolution of Selective Enzymes. Catalysts for Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology

Variationist Sociolinguistics. Change, Observation, Interpretation. Sali Tagliamonte A.

Variationist Sociolinguistics. Change, Observation, Interpretation

Solar Energy Conversion. Chemical Aspects. Gertz Likhtenshtein I.

Solar Energy Conversion. Chemical Aspects

Colloids in Agrochemicals, Volume 5. Colloids and Interface Science. Tharwat Tadros F.

Colloids in Agrochemicals, Volume 5. Colloids and Interface Science

Colloids in Paints. Colloids and Interface Science, Volume 6. Tharwat Tadros F.

Colloids in Paints. Colloids and Interface Science, Volume 6

Integration of Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Thin Films. Concepts and Applications for Microsystems. Emmanuel Defa?

Integration of Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Thin Films. Concepts and Applications for Microsystems

Integrated Vector Management. Controlling Vectors of Malaria and Other Insect Vector Borne Diseases. Graham  Matthews

Integrated Vector Management. Controlling Vectors of Malaria and Other Insect Vector Borne Diseases

Program Evaluation in Practice. Core Concepts and Examples for Discussion and Analysis. Dean Spaulding T.

Program Evaluation in Practice. Core Concepts and Examples for Discussion and Analysis

CSR Strategies. Corporate Social Responsibility for a Competitive Edge in Emerging Markets. Sri  Urip

CSR Strategies. Corporate Social Responsibility for a Competitive Edge in Emerging Markets

The Birds, the Bees and the Platypuses. Crazy, Sexy and Cool Stories from Science. Michael  Gross

The Birds, the Bees and the Platypuses. Crazy, Sexy and Cool Stories from Science

Noch mehr Experimente mit Supermarktprodukten. Das Periodensystem als Wegweiser. Prof. Georg Schwedt

Noch mehr Experimente mit Supermarktprodukten. Das Periodensystem als Wegweiser

Planning and Assessment in Higher Education. Demonstrating Institutional Effectiveness. Michael Middaugh F.

Planning and Assessment in Higher Education. Demonstrating Institutional Effectiveness

Ethnography Essentials. Designing, Conducting, and Presenting Your Research. Julian  Murchison

Ethnography Essentials. Designing, Conducting, and Presenting Your Research

Bakterien r?sten auf. EHEC & MRSA. Gerhard  Gottschalk

Bakterien r?sten auf. EHEC & MRSA

Gaschromatographie in Bildern. Eine Einf?hrung. Bruno  Kolb

Gaschromatographie in Bildern. Eine Einf?hrung

Psychologie im Projektmanagement. Eine Einf?hrung f?r Projektmanager und Teams. Mark  Reuter

Psychologie im Projektmanagement. Eine Einf?hrung f?r Projektmanager und Teams

Die Chemie und ihre Methoden. Eine Philosophiche Betrachtung. Nikos  Psarros

Die Chemie und ihre Methoden. Eine Philosophiche Betrachtung

Bemessung von Befestigungen in Beton. Einf?hrung mit Beispielen. Thilo  Pregartner

Bemessung von Befestigungen in Beton. Einf?hrung mit Beispielen

Computational Methods for Large Systems. Electronic Structure Approaches for Biotechnology and Nanotechnology. Jeffrey Reimers R.

Computational Methods for Large Systems. Electronic Structure Approaches for Biotechnology and Nanotechnology

Dying Words. Endangered Languages and What They Have to Tell Us. Nicholas  Evans

Dying Words. Endangered Languages and What They Have to Tell Us

Physical Processes and Measurement Devices. Environmental Hydraulics. Jean-Michel  Tanguy

Physical Processes and Measurement Devices. Environmental Hydraulics

Equilibrium and Transfer in Porous Media 1. Equilibrium States. Jean-Fran?ois Da?an

Equilibrium and Transfer in Porous Media 1. Equilibrium States

Second Generation Biofuels and Biomass. Essential Guide for Investors, Scientists and Decision Makers. Roland Jansen A.

Second Generation Biofuels and Biomass. Essential Guide for Investors, Scientists and Decision Makers

Animal Cell Culture. Essential Methods. John M. Davis

Animal Cell Culture. Essential Methods

Immunohistochemistry and Immunocytochemistry. Essential Methods. Simon  Renshaw

Immunohistochemistry and Immunocytochemistry. Essential Methods

Blending Play Therapy with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Evidence-Based and Other Effective Treatments and Techniques. Athena Drewes A.

Blending Play Therapy with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Evidence-Based and Other Effective Treatments and Techniques

Blog Theory. Feedback and Capture in the Circuits of Drive. Jodi  Dean

Blog Theory. Feedback and Capture in the Circuits of Drive

Process Understanding. For Scale-Up and Manufacture of Active Ingredients. Ian  Houson

Process Understanding. For Scale-Up and Manufacture of Active Ingredients

Essentials of Inorganic Chemistry. For Students of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Medicinal Chemistry. Katja Strohfeldt A.

Essentials of Inorganic Chemistry. For Students of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Medicinal Chemistry

Transparent Shells. Form, Topology, Structure. Hans  Schober

Transparent Shells. Form, Topology, Structure

Effective Online Teaching. Foundations and Strategies for Student Success. Tina  Stavredes

Effective Online Teaching. Foundations and Strategies for Student Success

Mindfulness-integrated CBT for Well-being and Personal Growth. Four Steps to Enhance Inner Calm, Self-Confidence and Relationships. Bruno Cayoun A.

Mindfulness-integrated CBT for Well-being and Personal Growth. Four Steps to Enhance Inner Calm, Self-Confidence and Relationships

Organometallics in Synthesis. Fourth Manual. Bruce Lipshutz H.

Organometallics in Synthesis. Fourth Manual

Stem Cells. From Biology to Therapy. Robert A. Meyers

Stem Cells. From Biology to Therapy