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Список разделов
Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература
Darwins Traum. Die Entstehung des menschlichen Bewusstseins
Municipal Solid Waste to Energy Conversion Processes. Economic, Technical, and Renewable Comparisons
Construction Claims and Responses. Effective Writing and Presentation
Superconductivity in Nanowires. Fabrication and Quantum Transport
Self-Healing Polymers. From Principles to Applications
Encyclopedia of Polymer Blends, Volume 1. Fundamentals
Organized Organic Ultrathin Films. Fundamentals and Applications
Allgemeine Chemie. F?r Biochemiker Lebenswissenschaftler, Mediziner, Pharmazeuten...
Wissen macht schlau. Grosse Themen leicht erz?hlt
ICP Emissionsspektrometrie f?r Praktiker. Grundlagen, Methodenentwicklung, Anwendungsbeispiele
Dignity in Adversity. Human Rights in Troubled Times
Chemical Process Simplification. Improving Productivity and Sustainability
Self-Assembled Supramolecular Architectures. Lyotropic Liquid Crystals
Excel for Chemists. A Comprehensive Guide
Electron Flow in Organic Chemistry. A Decision-Based Guide to Organic Mechanisms
Early Earth Systems. A Geochemical Approach
Dust Explosion and Fire Prevention Handbook. A Guide to Good Industry Practices
Management and Organization Theory. A Jossey-Bass Reader
Construction Management for Industrial Projects. A Modular Guide for Project Managers
Writing Chemistry Patents and Intellectual Property. A Practical Guide
Soil Water Measurement. A Practical Handbook
Foreign Exchange Option Pricing. A Practitioner's Guide
Implant Restorations. A Step-by-Step Guide
Bullying Prevention for Schools. A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing a Successful Anti-Bullying Program
Essential Maths for Geoscientists. An Introduction
Construction Law. An Introduction for Engineers, Architects, and Contractors
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. An introduction to Principles and Practices
Aerothermodynamics of Turbomachinery. Analysis and Design
Doing Optimality Theory. Applying Theory to Data
Beispiele zur Bemessung nach Eurocode 2. Band 1 – Hochbau
Physik f?r Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler. Band 2: Elektrizit?t, Optik und Wellen
Fundamentals of Ionized Gases. Basic Topics in Plasma Physics
A Resource-Based Habitat View for Conservation. Butterflies in the British Landscape
Umdenken!. Clevere L?sungen f?r die Energiezukunft
Molecular Metal-Metal Bonds. Compounds, Synthesis, Properties
Organizational Change. Creating Change Through Strategic Communication
Cyclodextrins in Pharmaceutics, Cosmetics, and Biomedicine. Current and Future Industrial Applications
Schizophrenia. Current science and clinical practice
Metal-Organic Frameworks. Design and Application
Drought and Aquatic Ecosystems. Effects and Responses
Chemie und Literatur. ein ungewohnlicher Flirt
Licht und Materie. Eine Physikalische Beziehungsgeschichte
Mehr als Sonne, Wind und Wasser. Energie f?r eine neue ?ra
Water-Quality Engineering in Natural Systems. Fate and Transport Processes in the Water Environment
Musical Rhetoric. Foundations and Annotation Schemes
Carbon Nanotube and Related Field Emitters. Fundamentals and Applications
Organische Chemie. F?r Biochemiker, Lebenswissenschaftler, Mediziner, Pharmazeuten...
Physikalische Chemie. F?r Nebenf?chler und Fachsch?ler
Palliative and End of Life Care for Children and Young People. Home, Hospice, Hospital
Cancer Stem Cells. Identification and Targets