Раздел: логистика

Cost Estimation. Gregory K. Mislick

Cost Estimation

Facilities Management. Peter  Barrett

Facilities Management

Healthcare Analytics. Группа авторов

Healthcare Analytics

International Specialization Dynamics. Didier Lebert

International Specialization Dynamics

The Sustainability Mindset. Jeanne Bell

The Sustainability Mindset

Transformational Governance. Beth Gazley

Transformational Governance

Internationales Marketing. Beatrice Ermer

Internationales Marketing

Zukunftsmodell Kooperation. Stefanie Widmann

Zukunftsmodell Kooperation

Public Participation for 21st Century Democracy. Tina Nabatchi

Public Participation for 21st Century Democracy

Smart Decisions in Complex Systems. Pierre Massotte

Smart Decisions in Complex Systems

The Agility Factor. Edward E. Lawler, III

The Agility Factor

Designing and Conducting Survey Research. Louis M. Rea

Designing and Conducting Survey Research

Innovation Engines. Группа авторов

Innovation Engines

Effective Implementation In Practice. Jodi Sandfort

Effective Implementation In Practice

Design Thinking. Abbie Griffin

Design Thinking

Current and Emerging Issues in the Audiovisual Industry. Alicia Urgell?s

Current and Emerging Issues in the Audiovisual Industry

The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook of Coaching in Organizations. Douglas Riddle

The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook of Coaching in Organizations

The Handbook of Conflict Resolution. Группа авторов

The Handbook of Conflict Resolution

Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation. Kathryn E. Newcomer

Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation

Handbook of Public Administration. James L. Perry

Handbook of Public Administration

Professionelles Preismanagement. Sabine Kn?r

Professionelles Preismanagement

The Innovative Company. Daniele Chauvel

The Innovative Company

ASAE Handbook of Professional Practices in Association Management. Группа авторов

ASAE Handbook of Professional Practices in Association Management

Growing Pains. Eric G. Flamholtz

Growing Pains

Assessing Organization Agility. Edward E. Lawler, III

Assessing Organization Agility

Daily Knowledge Valuation in Organizations. Группа авторов

Daily Knowledge Valuation in Organizations

Handbook of Gender, Work and Organization. Группа авторов

Handbook of Gender, Work and Organization

The Student's Companion to Social Policy. Группа авторов

The Student's Companion to Social Policy

Managing Customer Experience and Relationships. Don  Peppers

Managing Customer Experience and Relationships

Open Innovation. Abbie Griffin

Open Innovation

How to Read Nonprofit Financial Statements. Andrew S. Lang

How to Read Nonprofit Financial Statements

New Perspectives on Health, Disability, Welfare and the Labour Market. Ignazio  Cabras

New Perspectives on Health, Disability, Welfare and the Labour Market

Decision Science for Housing and Community Development. Michael P. Johnson

Decision Science for Housing and Community Development

Enterprise Innovation. Группа авторов

Enterprise Innovation

Handbook of Global Education Policy. Группа авторов

Handbook of Global Education Policy

Английский язык для менеджеров и логистов (B1-B2) 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебник и практикум для СПО. Анна Константиновна Купцова

Английский язык для менеджеров и логистов (B1-B2) 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебник и практикум для СПО

Оптимизация логистики: кейсы, решения, рекомендации. Александр Васильевич Жикин

Оптимизация логистики: кейсы, решения, рекомендации

Управление запасами: многофакторная оптимизация процесса поставок. Учебник для СПО. Виктория Дарабовна Герами

Управление запасами: многофакторная оптимизация процесса поставок. Учебник для СПО

Логистика 4-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебное пособие для СПО. Владимир Юрьевич Конотопский

Логистика 4-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебное пособие для СПО

Логистика отраслей и сегментов /2019. Александр Васильевич Жикин

Логистика отраслей и сегментов /2019

Ethisch und rechtlich konformes Verhalten von F?hrungskr?ften und Mitarbeitern. Dirk B?rnecke

Ethisch und rechtlich konformes Verhalten von F?hrungskr?ften und Mitarbeitern

Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries. Группа авторов

Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries

The Tax Law of Private Foundations, + website. Jody  Blazek

The Tax Law of Private Foundations, + website

The Handbook of Global Trade Policy. Группа авторов

The Handbook of Global Trade Policy

Visual Collaboration. Loa Baastrup

Visual Collaboration

World Industrialization. Michel Vigezzi

World Industrialization

Information Governance. Robert F. Smallwood

Information Governance

Be a Startup Superstar. Steven Kahan

Be a Startup Superstar

Information, Knowledge and Agile Creativity. St?phane Goria

Information, Knowledge and Agile Creativity

Management of Extreme Situations. Группа авторов

Management of Extreme Situations

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