Раздел: логистика

The Money-Raising Nonprofit Brand. Jeff Brooks

The Money-Raising Nonprofit Brand

Game Theory. E. N. Barron

Game Theory

Decisions. Gerard H. Gaynor


International Strategy. David Collis

International Strategy

The Ask. Laura Fredricks

The Ask

Labormanagement. Klaus Liphard


The Complete Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions. Timothy J. Galpin

The Complete Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions

The Change Catalyst. Campbell Macpherson

The Change Catalyst

Responsibility and Freedom. Robert Gianni

Responsibility and Freedom

Managing Business Performance. Umit S. Bititci

Managing Business Performance

The Gamification of Work. Emmanuelle Savignac

The Gamification of Work

Ethics in Social Networking and Business 1. Pierre Massotte

Ethics in Social Networking and Business 1

Model Building in Mathematical Programming. H. Paul Williams

Model Building in Mathematical Programming

Legal Concepts for Facility Managers. Linda Thomas-Mobley

Legal Concepts for Facility Managers

The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management. David O. Renz

The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management

Ethical Efficiency. Virgil Cristian Lenoir

Ethical Efficiency

Building People, Volume 4. Mun Leong Liew

Building People, Volume 4

Streetsmart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers. Thomas A. McLaughlin

Streetsmart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers

Starting and Running a Business All-in-One For Dummies. Colin Barrow

Starting and Running a Business All-in-One For Dummies

Joint Ventures Involving Tax-Exempt Organizations. Michael I. Sanders

Joint Ventures Involving Tax-Exempt Organizations

Engineering Decision Making and Risk Management. Jeffrey W. Herrmann

Engineering Decision Making and Risk Management

Breakthroughs in Decision Science and Risk Analysis. Группа авторов

Breakthroughs in Decision Science and Risk Analysis

Law for Small Business For Dummies - UK. Clive Rich

Law for Small Business For Dummies - UK

Social Movements for Good: How Companies and Causes Create Viral Change. Derrick Feldmann

Social Movements for Good: How Companies and Causes Create Viral Change

The Hermeneutic Side of Responsible Research and Innovation. Armin Grunwald

The Hermeneutic Side of Responsible Research and Innovation

Location Strategies and Value Creation of International Mergers and Acquisitions. Ludivine Chalen?on

Location Strategies and Value Creation of International Mergers and Acquisitions

The Tax Law of Charitable Giving. Bruce R. Hopkins

The Tax Law of Charitable Giving

Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management. Valeria Belvedere

Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management

Bridging Organization Design and Performance. Gregory Kesler

Bridging Organization Design and Performance

The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations. Bruce R. Hopkins

The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations

Risk Management. Группа авторов

Risk Management

Optimization Modeling with Spreadsheets. Kenneth R. Baker

Optimization Modeling with Spreadsheets

Business, Innovation and Responsibility. Sophie Pell?

Business, Innovation and Responsibility

Transparenz in globalen Lieferketten der Automobilindustrie Ansatze zur Logistik- und Produktionsoptimierung. Christiano Lepratti

Transparenz in globalen Lieferketten der Automobilindustrie Ansatze zur Logistik- und Produktionsoptimierung

Innovation, Between Science and Science Fiction. Thomas Michaud

Innovation, Between Science and Science Fiction

Innovation and Production Ecosystems. Bernard Guilhon

Innovation and Production Ecosystems

Cooperation, Coopetition and Innovation. Nabyla Daidj

Cooperation, Coopetition and Innovation

Creative Rationality and Innovation. Jo?lle Forest

Creative Rationality and Innovation

Enterprise Knowledge Capital. Blandine Laperche

Enterprise Knowledge Capital

Moderne Parabeln. Stefanie Widmann

Moderne Parabeln

Patents. B?atrice Dumont


From Ethical Review to Responsible Research and Innovation. Sophie Pell?

From Ethical Review to Responsible Research and Innovation

International Management Behavior. Henry W. Lane

International Management Behavior

The Complete Guide to Fundraising Management. Stanley Weinstein

The Complete Guide to Fundraising Management

The Entrepreneur. Sophie Boutillier

The Entrepreneur

Multicriteria Decision Aid and Artificial Intelligence. Michael Doumpos

Multicriteria Decision Aid and Artificial Intelligence

Volunteer Engagement 2.0. Группа авторов

Volunteer Engagement 2.0

Build Your Business In 90 Minutes A Day. Nigel  Botterill

Build Your Business In 90 Minutes A Day

The Handbook of Law and Society. Группа авторов

The Handbook of Law and Society

Fundraising Principles and Practice. Adrian Sargeant

Fundraising Principles and Practice

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