Раздел: техническая литература

Channel Coding in Communication Networks. Alain  Glavieux

Channel Coding in Communication Networks

Convergence Technologies for 3G Networks. Paul  Mather

Convergence Technologies for 3G Networks

The Physics and Mathematics of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Cellular Wireless Communication. Mohammad Abdallah Najib

The Physics and Mathematics of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Cellular Wireless Communication

Internet of Things A to Z. Qusay Hassan F.

Internet of Things A to Z

Modeling and Dimensioning of Structures. Daniel  Gay

Modeling and Dimensioning of Structures

Information Fusion in Signal and Image Processing. Isabelle  Bloch

Information Fusion in Signal and Image Processing

Optimisation in Signal and Image Processing. Patrick  Siarry

Optimisation in Signal and Image Processing

Multimedia Multicast on the Internet. Abderrahim  Benslimane

Multimedia Multicast on the Internet

Digital Filters Design for Signal and Image Processing. Mohamed  Najim

Digital Filters Design for Signal and Image Processing

Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory, Part III. Harry Trees L.Van

Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory, Part III

Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory, Part I. Harry Trees L.Van

Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory, Part I

Simplified Robust Adaptive Detection and Beamforming for Wireless Communications. Ayman  Elnashar

Simplified Robust Adaptive Detection and Beamforming for Wireless Communications

Principles of Flight Simulation. David  Allerton

Principles of Flight Simulation

Handbook of Space Technology. Wilfried  Ley

Handbook of Space Technology

Helicopter Test and Evaluation. Alastair  Cooke

Helicopter Test and Evaluation

Adventures in Celestial Mechanics. Hans  Mark

Adventures in Celestial Mechanics

High Voltage Electricity Installations. Stephen Jay Andrew

High Voltage Electricity Installations

Future Trends in Microelectronics. Serge  Luryi

Future Trends in Microelectronics

Modern Heuristic Optimization Techniques. Kwang Lee Y.

Modern Heuristic Optimization Techniques

Power Electronics Semiconductor Devices. Robert  Perret

Power Electronics Semiconductor Devices

Protection of Electrical Networks. Christophe Pr?v?

Protection of Electrical Networks

Fundamentals of Electric Propulsion. Ira  Katz

Fundamentals of Electric Propulsion

Handbook of Power Quality. Angelo  Baggini

Handbook of Power Quality

MPEG-4 Facial Animation. Robert  Forchheimer

MPEG-4 Facial Animation

Handbook of Electrical Engineering. Alan Sheldrake L.

Handbook of Electrical Engineering

Electrical Power System Essentials. Pieter  Schavemaker

Electrical Power System Essentials

Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves. Leung  Tsang

Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves

Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves. Leung  Tsang

Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves

Radio Frequency Circuit Design. Krishna  Agarwal

Radio Frequency Circuit Design

Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves. Leung  Tsang

Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves

Understanding Electric Power Systems. Frank  Delea

Understanding Electric Power Systems

Communication Patterns of Engineers. Carol  Tenopir

Communication Patterns of Engineers

Model-Based Signal Processing. James Candy V.

Model-Based Signal Processing

Fiber to the Home. Paul E. Green, Jr.

Fiber to the Home

Developments in Speech Synthesis. Katherine  Morton

Developments in Speech Synthesis

Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics. Yi  Pan

Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics

Antennas for Portable Devices. Zhi Chen Ning

Antennas for Portable Devices

Language and Speech Processing. Joseph  Mariani

Language and Speech Processing

Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling. Christian  Artigues

Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling

Transverse Disciplines in Metrology. French Metrology Collegeof

Transverse Disciplines in Metrology

System of Systems Engineering. Mohammad  Jamshidi

System of Systems Engineering

Electromagnetic Fields in Cavities. David Hill A.

Electromagnetic Fields in Cavities

Operational Research and Networks. Gerd  Finke

Operational Research and Networks

Digital Audio Signal Processing. Udo  Zolzer

Digital Audio Signal Processing

Handbook of Granular Computing. Witold  Pedrycz

Handbook of Granular Computing

Developing Intelligent Agent Systems. Lin  Padgham

Developing Intelligent Agent Systems

Flexible Flat Panel Displays. Gregory  Crawford

Flexible Flat Panel Displays

Sound Capture and Processing. Ivan Tashev Jelev

Sound Capture and Processing

Three-Dimensional Holographic Imaging. Meng Tsai Hua

Three-Dimensional Holographic Imaging

Introduction to RF Propagation. John Seybold S.

Introduction to RF Propagation