Раздел: зарубежная компьютерная литература

Proportionate-type Normalized Least Mean Square Algorithms. Wagner Kevin

Proportionate-type Normalized Least Mean Square Algorithms

Market-Oriented Grid and Utility Computing. Bubendorfer Kris

Market-Oriented Grid and Utility Computing

Modeling and Optimization of Air Traffic. Puechmorel St?phane

Modeling and Optimization of Air Traffic

Phase-Field Methods in Materials Science and Engineering. Elder Ken

Phase-Field Methods in Materials Science and Engineering

Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications. Proceedings of the Workshops and the Doctorial Symposium of the I-ESA International Conference 2010. Panetto Herve

Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications. Proceedings of the Workshops and the Doctorial Symposium of the I-ESA International Conference 2010

Information Processing by Biochemical Systems. Neural Network-Type Configurations. Filo Orna

Information Processing by Biochemical Systems. Neural Network-Type Configurations

Reconciliation of Geometry and Perception in Radiation Physics. Beckers Benoit

Reconciliation of Geometry and Perception in Radiation Physics

Mathematics of Bioinformatics. Theory, Methods and Applications. He Matthew

Mathematics of Bioinformatics. Theory, Methods and Applications

Sound Visualization and Manipulation. Choi Jung-Woo

Sound Visualization and Manipulation

Software Evolution and Maintenance. Naik Kshirasagar

Software Evolution and Maintenance

IPv6 Deployment and Management. Dooley Michael

IPv6 Deployment and Management

Graph Partitioning. Bichot Charles-Edmond

Graph Partitioning

Handbook of eID Security. Concepts, Practical Experiences, Technologies. Fumy Walter

Handbook of eID Security. Concepts, Practical Experiences, Technologies

Technical Writing for Teams. The STREAM Tools Handbook. Mamishev Alexander

Technical Writing for Teams. The STREAM Tools Handbook

Bistatic SAR / ISAR / FSR. Theory Algorithms and Program Implementation. Kostadinov Todor Pavlov

Bistatic SAR / ISAR / FSR. Theory Algorithms and Program Implementation

Бюджетирование и финансовые расчеты с помощью Microsoft Excel. Кевин Скотт Проктор

Бюджетирование и финансовые расчеты с помощью Microsoft Excel

Public Key Cryptography. Applications and Attacks. Lynn Batten Margaret

Public Key Cryptography. Applications and Attacks

Energy Security. An Interdisciplinary Approach. Gawdat  Bahgat

Energy Security. An Interdisciplinary Approach

Reversible Computing. Fundamentals, Quantum Computing, and Applications. Alexis Vos De

Reversible Computing. Fundamentals, Quantum Computing, and Applications

Biomolecular Networks. Luonan Chen

Biomolecular Networks

Information Security. Principles and Practice. Mark  Stamp

Information Security. Principles and Practice

Advanced Dynamic-System Simulation. Model Replication and Monte Carlo Studies. Granino Korn A.

Advanced Dynamic-System Simulation. Model Replication and Monte Carlo Studies

Computing Networks. Pascale Vicat-Blanc

Computing Networks

Cloud Computing. Группа авторов

Cloud Computing

System Design for Telecommunication Gateways. Alexander  Bachmutsky

System Design for Telecommunication Gateways

Software Metrics and Software Metrology. Alain  Abran

Software Metrics and Software Metrology

Electronic Health Record. Pradeep K. Sinha

Electronic Health Record

Stories that Move Mountains. Martin Sykes

Stories that Move Mountains

Advanced Internet Protocols, Services, and Applications. Christian Vogt

Advanced Internet Protocols, Services, and Applications

Cyber Security Policy Guidebook. Jennifer L. Bayuk

Cyber Security Policy Guidebook

Android Hacker's Handbook. Zach  Lanier

Android Hacker's Handbook

Data Science and Big Data Analytics. Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing and Presenting Data. EMC Services Education

Data Science and Big Data Analytics. Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing and Presenting Data

The Network Security Test Lab. Michael Gregg

The Network Security Test Lab

The Art of War in the Network Age. Joseph Henrotin

The Art of War in the Network Age

Interactions on Digital Tablets in the Context of 3D Geometry Learning. David Bertolo

Interactions on Digital Tablets in the Context of 3D Geometry Learning

Network Attacks and Exploitation. Matthew Monte

Network Attacks and Exploitation

Artificial Immune System. Ying Tan

Artificial Immune System

Threat Modeling. Adam Shostack

Threat Modeling

Cyber-Risk Informatics. Mehmet Sahinoglu

Cyber-Risk Informatics

Content Delivery Networks. Dom Robinson

Content Delivery Networks

The Image-Interface. Everardo Reyes-Garcia

The Image-Interface

Linux Server Security. Chris Binnie

Linux Server Security

Computing Fundamentals. Faithe Wempen

Computing Fundamentals

ERP and Information Systems. Tarek Samara

ERP and Information Systems

Cybersecurity. Thomas J. Mowbray


Network Reliability. Sanjay Kumar Chaturvedi

Network Reliability

Transformation of Collective Intelligences. Jean-Max Noyer

Transformation of Collective Intelligences

Security Management of Next Generation Telecommunications Networks and Services. Stuart Jacobs

Security Management of Next Generation Telecommunications Networks and Services

Collaborative Annotation for Reliable Natural Language Processing. Kar?n Fort

Collaborative Annotation for Reliable Natural Language Processing

Knowledge Needs and Information Extraction. Nicolas Turenne

Knowledge Needs and Information Extraction

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