Раздел: зарубежная компьютерная литература

Trustworthy Compilers. Vladimir Safonov O.

Trustworthy Compilers

Smashing HTML5. Bill  Sanders

Smashing HTML5

Advanced Dynamic-System Simulation. Model Replication and Monte Carlo Studies. Granino Korn A.

Advanced Dynamic-System Simulation. Model Replication and Monte Carlo Studies

Compiler Construction Using Java, JavaCC, and Yacc. Anthony J. Dos Reis

Compiler Construction Using Java, JavaCC, and Yacc

Self-Adaptive Systems for Machine Intelligence. Haibo  He

Self-Adaptive Systems for Machine Intelligence

Semantic Web and Model-Driven Engineering. Fernando Parreiras S.

Semantic Web and Model-Driven Engineering

Practical Database Programming with Visual Basic.NET. Ying  Bai

Practical Database Programming with Visual Basic.NET

Mathematics for Informatics and Computer Science. Pierre  Audibert

Mathematics for Informatics and Computer Science

Ant Colony Optimization and Constraint Programming. Christine  Solnon

Ant Colony Optimization and Constraint Programming

Comparable Corpora and Computer-assisted Translation. Estelle Delpech Maryline

Comparable Corpora and Computer-assisted Translation

Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision. J. Parker R.

Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision

Introduction to IP Address Management. Timothy  Rooney

Introduction to IP Address Management

Practical Database Programming with Java. Ying  Bai

Practical Database Programming with Java

Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning. Gerard  Ligozat

Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning

Human-Computer Interactions in Transport. Christophe  Kolski

Human-Computer Interactions in Transport

Raspberry Pi Hardware Projects 1. Andrew  Robinson

Raspberry Pi Hardware Projects 1

A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV. Kenneth Dawson-Howe

A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV

The Death of the Internet. Markus  Jakobsson

The Death of the Internet

Wireless Mobile Internet Security. Man Rhee Young

Wireless Mobile Internet Security

Safety of Computer Architectures. Jean-Louis  Boulanger

Safety of Computer Architectures

Cyberwar and Information Warfare. Daniel  Ventre

Cyberwar and Information Warfare

Cybercrime and Cyber Warfare. Igor  Bernik

Cybercrime and Cyber Warfare

Building Dependable Distributed Systems. Wenbing  Zhao

Building Dependable Distributed Systems

Simply Computing for Seniors. Linda  Clark

Simply Computing for Seniors

The Art of Videogames. Grant  Tavinor

The Art of Videogames

Digital Audiovisual Archives. Peter  Stockinger

Digital Audiovisual Archives

Software Architecture 1. Mourad Oussalah Chabane

Software Architecture 1

Software Architecture 2. Mourad Oussalah Chabane

Software Architecture 2

Automatic Text Summarization. Juan-Manuel  Torres-Moreno

Automatic Text Summarization

CSS3 Foundations. Ian  Lunn

CSS3 Foundations

Quantum Networking. Rodney Meter Van

Quantum Networking

Simply Laptops. Kate  Shoup

Simply Laptops

Angular и TypeScript. Сайтостроение для профессионалов (pdf+epub). Яков Файн

Angular и TypeScript. Сайтостроение для профессионалов (pdf+epub)

Микросервисы на платформе .NET (pdf+epub). Кристиан Хорсдал

Микросервисы на платформе .NET (pdf+epub)

Distributed Database Management Systems. A Practical Approach. Rahimi Saeed K.

Distributed Database Management Systems. A Practical Approach

The Handbook of MPEG Applications. Standards in Practice. Angelides Marios C.

The Handbook of MPEG Applications. Standards in Practice

Computer System Design. System-on-Chip. Luk Wayne

Computer System Design. System-on-Chip

Harnessing Green IT. Principles and Practices. Gangadharan G. R.

Harnessing Green IT. Principles and Practices

Lean Architecture. for Agile Software Development. Bj?rnvig Gertrud

Lean Architecture. for Agile Software Development

Discovering Requirements. How to Specify Products and Services. Alexander Ian F.

Discovering Requirements. How to Specify Products and Services

Fundamentals of Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems. Obaidat Mohammed S.

Fundamentals of Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems

Computer Architecture and Security. Fundamentals of Designing Secure Computer Systems. Ledley Robert S.

Computer Architecture and Security. Fundamentals of Designing Secure Computer Systems

Elements of Computational Systems Biology. Lodhi Huma M.

Elements of Computational Systems Biology

Codecharts. Roadmaps and blueprints for object-oriented programs. Nicholson J.

Codecharts. Roadmaps and blueprints for object-oriented programs

Model-Driven and Software Product Line Engineering. Arboleda Hugo

Model-Driven and Software Product Line Engineering

Computer Assisted Exercises and Training. A Reference Guide. Cayirci Erdal

Computer Assisted Exercises and Training. A Reference Guide

Raspberry Pi User Guide. Upton Eben

Raspberry Pi User Guide

Computer Architecture. Blanchet G?rard

Computer Architecture

Perceptual Computing. Aiding People in Making Subjective Judgments. Wu Dongrui

Perceptual Computing. Aiding People in Making Subjective Judgments

Software Testing. Concepts and Operations. Mili Ali

Software Testing. Concepts and Operations

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