Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература

Physical Inorganic Chemistry. Principles, Methods, and Models. Andreja  Bakac

Physical Inorganic Chemistry. Principles, Methods, and Models

Plant Bioactives and Drug Discovery. Principles, Practice, and Perspectives. Valdir  Cechinel-Filho

Plant Bioactives and Drug Discovery. Principles, Practice, and Perspectives

Arid Zone Geomorphology. Process, Form and Change in Drylands. David S. G. Thomas

Arid Zone Geomorphology. Process, Form and Change in Drylands

An Introduction to Modern CBT. Psychological Solutions to Mental Health Problems. Stefan G. Hofmann

An Introduction to Modern CBT. Psychological Solutions to Mental Health Problems

Transient Electronics. Pulsed Circuit Technology. Paul Smith W.

Transient Electronics. Pulsed Circuit Technology

March's Advanced Organic Chemistry. Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure. Michael B. Smith

March's Advanced Organic Chemistry. Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure

Practical Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Reactions, Principles, and Techniques. St?phane Caron

Practical Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Reactions, Principles, and Techniques

Physical Inorganic Chemistry. Reactions, Processes, and Applications. Andreja  Bakac

Physical Inorganic Chemistry. Reactions, Processes, and Applications

Handbook of Reagents for Organic Synthesis. Reagents for Heteroarene Synthesis. Andr? Charette B.

Handbook of Reagents for Organic Synthesis. Reagents for Heteroarene Synthesis

Essential Guide to Reading Biomedical Papers. Recognising and Interpreting Best Practice. Philip Langton D.

Essential Guide to Reading Biomedical Papers. Recognising and Interpreting Best Practice

Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry for Synthesis. Rethinking the Routes to Scale-Up. Peter Harrington J.

Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry for Synthesis. Rethinking the Routes to Scale-Up

Nuclear Electric Power. Safety, Operation, and Control Aspects. J. Knowles Brian

Nuclear Electric Power. Safety, Operation, and Control Aspects

Transmission Lines in Digital and Analog Electronic Systems. Signal Integrity and Crosstalk. Clayton Paul R.

Transmission Lines in Digital and Analog Electronic Systems. Signal Integrity and Crosstalk

Three-dimensional Separated Flows Topology. Singular Points, Beam Splitters and Vortex Structures. Jean  Delery

Three-dimensional Separated Flows Topology. Singular Points, Beam Splitters and Vortex Structures

The Ironic Spectator. Solidarity in the Age of Post-Humanitarianism. Lilie  Chouliaraki

The Ironic Spectator. Solidarity in the Age of Post-Humanitarianism

Social Media for Educators. Strategies and Best Practices. Tanya  Joosten

Social Media for Educators. Strategies and Best Practices

Making Chemistry Relevant. Strategies for Including All Students in a Learner-Sensitive Classroom Environment. Sharmistha  Basu-Dutt

Making Chemistry Relevant. Strategies for Including All Students in a Learner-Sensitive Classroom Environment

Facilitating a Collegial Department in Higher Education. Strategies for Success. Robert Cipriano E.

Facilitating a Collegial Department in Higher Education. Strategies for Success

Sustainability Footprints in SMEs. Strategy and Case Studies for Entrepreneurs and Small Business. Lowellyne  James

Sustainability Footprints in SMEs. Strategy and Case Studies for Entrepreneurs and Small Business

Reactive Intermediates in Organic Chemistry. Structure, Mechanism, and Reactions. Maya Singh Shankar

Reactive Intermediates in Organic Chemistry. Structure, Mechanism, and Reactions

Organoselenium Chemistry. Synthesis and Reactions. Thomas  Wirth

Organoselenium Chemistry. Synthesis and Reactions

Chemistry of Bioconjugates. Synthesis, Characterization, and Biomedical Applications. Ravin  Narain

Chemistry of Bioconjugates. Synthesis, Characterization, and Biomedical Applications

Medical Toxicology of Drug Abuse. Synthesized Chemicals and Psychoactive Plants. Donald Barceloux G.

Medical Toxicology of Drug Abuse. Synthesized Chemicals and Psychoactive Plants

Engaging 'Hard to Reach' Parents. Teacher-Parent Collaboration to Promote Children's Learning. Anthony  Feiler

Engaging 'Hard to Reach' Parents. Teacher-Parent Collaboration to Promote Children's Learning

An Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation. Techniques and Applications. Philip PhD Willmott

An Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation. Techniques and Applications

Next Generation Mobile Communications Ecosystem. Technology Management for Mobile Communications. Saad Asif Z.

Next Generation Mobile Communications Ecosystem. Technology Management for Mobile Communications

How to Read a Paper. The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine. Trisha  Greenhalgh

How to Read a Paper. The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine

How to Read a Paper. The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine. Trisha  Greenhalgh

How to Read a Paper. The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine

Applied Population and Community Ecology. The Case of Feral Pigs in Australia. Jim  Hone

Applied Population and Community Ecology. The Case of Feral Pigs in Australia

The Copywriter's Toolkit. The Complete Guide to Strategic Advertising Copy. Margo  Berman

The Copywriter's Toolkit. The Complete Guide to Strategic Advertising Copy

Type Rules. The Designer's Guide to Professional Typography. Ilene  Strizver

Type Rules. The Designer's Guide to Professional Typography

Software Project Estimation. The Fundamentals for Providing High Quality Information to Decision Makers. Alain  Abran

Software Project Estimation. The Fundamentals for Providing High Quality Information to Decision Makers

Fine Chemicals. The Industry and the Business. Peter  Pollak

Fine Chemicals. The Industry and the Business

Cultural Diversity and Global Media. The Mediation of Difference. Eugenia  Siapera

Cultural Diversity and Global Media. The Mediation of Difference

Engaging Students. The Next Level of Working on the Work. Phillip Schlechty C.

Engaging Students. The Next Level of Working on the Work

Promotional Cultures. The Rise and Spread of Advertising, Public Relations, Marketing and Branding. Aeron  Davis

Promotional Cultures. The Rise and Spread of Advertising, Public Relations, Marketing and Branding

Community Palliative Care. The Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist. Sandra  Aitken

Community Palliative Care. The Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist

The Chemistry of Beer. The Science in the Suds. Roger  Barth

The Chemistry of Beer. The Science in the Suds

The Hedgehog Effect. The Secrets of Building High Performance Teams. Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

The Hedgehog Effect. The Secrets of Building High Performance Teams

Walter Benjamin and the Media. The Spectacle of Modernity. Jaeho  Kang

Walter Benjamin and the Media. The Spectacle of Modernity

Crystal Clear. The Struggle for Reliable Communications Technology in World War II. Richard J. Thompson, Jr.

Crystal Clear. The Struggle for Reliable Communications Technology in World War II

Climate Adaptation Governance in Cities and Regions. Theoretical Fundamentals and Practical Evidence. Jorg  Knieling

Climate Adaptation Governance in Cities and Regions. Theoretical Fundamentals and Practical Evidence

Building Software for Simulation. Theory and Algorithms, with Applications in C++. James Nutaro J.

Building Software for Simulation. Theory and Algorithms, with Applications in C++

Extended Finite Element Method. Theory and Applications. Amir Khoei R.

Extended Finite Element Method. Theory and Applications

High Temperature Plasmas. Theory and Mathematical Tools for Laser and Fusion Plasmas. Karl-Heinz  Spatschek

High Temperature Plasmas. Theory and Mathematical Tools for Laser and Fusion Plasmas

Castells and the Media. Theory and Media. Philip Howard N.

Castells and the Media. Theory and Media

Olefin Metathesis. Theory and Practice. Karol  Grela

Olefin Metathesis. Theory and Practice

Natural Ventilation of Buildings. Theory, Measurement and Design. David  Etheridge

Natural Ventilation of Buildings. Theory, Measurement and Design

Teaching for Critical Thinking. Tools and Techniques to Help Students Question Their Assumptions. Stephen Brookfield D.

Teaching for Critical Thinking. Tools and Techniques to Help Students Question Their Assumptions

The Author's Hand and the Printer's Mind. Transformations of the Written Word in Early Modern Europe. Roger  Chartier

The Author's Hand and the Printer's Mind. Transformations of the Written Word in Early Modern Europe