Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература

Computer Modelling in Molecular Biology. Julia Goodfellow M.

Computer Modelling in Molecular Biology

Biophysical Analysis of Membrane Proteins. Eva  Pebay-Peyroula

Biophysical Analysis of Membrane Proteins

Leitfaden f?r die Zell- und Gewebekultur. Hans Boxberger J?rgen

Leitfaden f?r die Zell- und Gewebekultur

A Field Guide to the Neogene Sedimentary Basins of the Almeria Province, South-East Spain. Anne Mather E.

A Field Guide to the Neogene Sedimentary Basins of the Almeria Province, South-East Spain

Sedimentation in Oblique-slip Mobile Zones (Special Publication 4 of the IAS). P. Balance F.

Sedimentation in Oblique-slip Mobile Zones (Special Publication 4 of the IAS)

Holocene Marine Sedimentation in the North Sea Basin (Special Publication 5 of the IAS). S. Nio D.

Holocene Marine Sedimentation in the North Sea Basin (Special Publication 5 of the IAS)

Modern and Ancient Fluvial Systems (Special Publication 6 of the IAS). John  Lewin

Modern and Ancient Fluvial Systems (Special Publication 6 of the IAS)

Foreland Basins (Special Publication 8 of the IAS). P.  Homewood

Foreland Basins (Special Publication 8 of the IAS)

Carbonate Platforms (Special Publication 9 of the IAS). Maurice Tucker E.

Carbonate Platforms (Special Publication 9 of the IAS)

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits (Special Publication 11 of the IAS). J.  Parnell

Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits (Special Publication 11 of the IAS)

Lacustrine Facies Analysis (Special Publication 13 of the IAS). P.  Anadon

Lacustrine Facies Analysis (Special Publication 13 of the IAS)

Shelf Sand and Sandstone Bodies. D.  Swift

Shelf Sand and Sandstone Bodies

Tectonic Controls and Signatures in Sedimentary Successions (Special Publication 20 of the IAS). Lynne Frostick E.

Tectonic Controls and Signatures in Sedimentary Successions (Special Publication 20 of the IAS)

Tidal Signatures in Modern and Ancient Sediments (Special Publication 24 of the IAS). A.  Bartoloma

Tidal Signatures in Modern and Ancient Sediments (Special Publication 24 of the IAS)

Quartz Cementation in Sandstones (Special Publication 29 of the IAS). Sadoon  Morad

Quartz Cementation in Sandstones (Special Publication 29 of the IAS)

Volcaniclastic Sedimentation in Lacustrine Settings (Special Publication 30 of the IAS). N. Riggs R.

Volcaniclastic Sedimentation in Lacustrine Settings (Special Publication 30 of the IAS)

Particulate Gravity Currents (Special Publication 31 of the IAS). J.  Peakall

Particulate Gravity Currents (Special Publication 31 of the IAS)

Flood and Megaflood Processes and Deposits. I. Martini Peter

Flood and Megaflood Processes and Deposits

Clay Mineral Cements in Sandstones (Special Publication 34 of the IAS). Sadoon  Morad

Clay Mineral Cements in Sandstones (Special Publication 34 of the IAS)

Sedimentary Processes, Environments and Basins. Gary  Nichols

Sedimentary Processes, Environments and Basins

Pelagic Sediments - on Land and Under the Sea (Special Publication 1 of the IAS). Hugh Jenkyns C.

Pelagic Sediments - on Land and Under the Sea (Special Publication 1 of the IAS)

Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Mike Leeder R.

Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences

Introduction to Ore-Forming Processes. Laurence  Robb

Introduction to Ore-Forming Processes

Lithic Materials and Paleolithic Societies. Brian  Adams

Lithic Materials and Paleolithic Societies

Dictionary of Environmental Science and Technology. Andrew  Porteous

Dictionary of Environmental Science and Technology

Foundations for Guided-Wave Optics. Chin-Lin  Chen

Foundations for Guided-Wave Optics

The Finite Element Method for Electromagnetic Modeling. G?rard Meunier

The Finite Element Method for Electromagnetic Modeling

Electromagnetic Foundations of Electrical Engineering. J. A. Brand?o Faria

Electromagnetic Foundations of Electrical Engineering

Applied Electromagnetics and Electromagnetic Compatibility. Dipak Sengupta L.

Applied Electromagnetics and Electromagnetic Compatibility

Multigrid Finite Element Methods for Electromagnetic Field Modeling. Yu  Zhu

Multigrid Finite Element Methods for Electromagnetic Field Modeling

State and Evolution of the Baltic Sea, 1952-2005. Rainer  Feistel

State and Evolution of the Baltic Sea, 1952-2005

Economics, Ethics, and Environmental Policy. Jouni  Paavola

Economics, Ethics, and Environmental Policy

Environmental Biology for Engineers and Scientists. James Alleman E.

Environmental Biology for Engineers and Scientists

Variation in the Human Genome. Gail  Cardew

Variation in the Human Genome

Statistical Analysis of Designed Experiments. Ajit Tamhane C.

Statistical Analysis of Designed Experiments

An Introduction to Forensic Genetics. William  Goodwin

An Introduction to Forensic Genetics

Genome Transcriptome and Proteome Analysis. Alain  Bernot

Genome Transcriptome and Proteome Analysis

Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory. Alan Templeton R.

Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory

Embryos, Genes and Birth Defects. Patrizia  Ferretti

Embryos, Genes and Birth Defects

Analysis of Genes and Genomes. Richard Reece J.

Analysis of Genes and Genomes

Proteomic Biology Using LC/MS. Nobuhiro  Takahashi

Proteomic Biology Using LC/MS

Genetic Analysis of Tumour Suppression. Joan  Marsh

Genetic Analysis of Tumour Suppression

Postimplantation Development in the Mouse. Joan  Marsh

Postimplantation Development in the Mouse

Molecular Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases. Chris  Wild

Molecular Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases

The Science and Ethics of Engineering the Human Germ Line. Jon Gordon W.

The Science and Ethics of Engineering the Human Germ Line

An Introduction to Human Molecular Genetics. Jack Pasternak J.

An Introduction to Human Molecular Genetics

Genetic Analysis of Complex Disease. Margaret Pericak-Vance A.

Genetic Analysis of Complex Disease

The Handbook of Plant Genome Mapping. Guenter  Kahl

The Handbook of Plant Genome Mapping

Standards of Mouse Model Phenotyping. Steve Brown

Standards of Mouse Model Phenotyping

Exploring the Human Plasma Proteome. Gilbert Omenn S.

Exploring the Human Plasma Proteome