Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература

Analysis and Purification Methods in Combinatorial Chemistry. Bing  Yan

Analysis and Purification Methods in Combinatorial Chemistry

Drug Discovery and Development, Volume 1. Mukund Chorghade S.

Drug Discovery and Development, Volume 1

A Practical Guide to Compressor Technology. Heinz Bloch P.

A Practical Guide to Compressor Technology

Handbook of Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Reagents for Radical and Radical Ion Chemistry. David  Crich

Handbook of Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Reagents for Radical and Radical Ion Chemistry

Introduction to Process Safety for Undergraduates and Engineers. CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)

Introduction to Process Safety for Undergraduates and Engineers

Green Techniques for Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry. Wei  Zhang

Green Techniques for Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry

Design of Experiments in Chemical Engineering. Zivorad Lazic R.

Design of Experiments in Chemical Engineering

Molecular Biology in Medicinal Chemistry. Hugo  Kubinyi

Molecular Biology in Medicinal Chemistry

Pseudo-peptides in Drug Discovery. Peter Nielsen E.

Pseudo-peptides in Drug Discovery

Research and Development Management in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical. Peter  Bamfield

Research and Development Management in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical

Protein Crystallography in Drug Discovery. Hugo  Kubinyi

Protein Crystallography in Drug Discovery

Scale-up in Chemical Engineering. Marko  Zlokarnik

Scale-up in Chemical Engineering

Common Fragrance and Flavor Materials. Horst  Surburg

Common Fragrance and Flavor Materials

Handbook of Paper and Board. Herbert  Holik

Handbook of Paper and Board

Research and Development in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry. Peter  Bamfield

Research and Development in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry

Kristallisation in der industriellen Praxis. G?nter Hofmann

Kristallisation in der industriellen Praxis

Mass Spectrometry in Medicinal Chemistry. Hugo  Kubinyi

Mass Spectrometry in Medicinal Chemistry

Common Fragrance and Flavor Materials. Horst  Surburg

Common Fragrance and Flavor Materials

Handbook of Explosion Prevention and Protection. Henrikus  Steen

Handbook of Explosion Prevention and Protection

Virtual Screening for Bioactive Molecules. Hugo  Kubinyi

Virtual Screening for Bioactive Molecules

Evolutionary Algorithms in Molecular Design. Hugo  Kubinyi

Evolutionary Algorithms in Molecular Design

Plastic Packaging Materials for Food. A. Baner L.

Plastic Packaging Materials for Food

Production-Integrated Environmental Protection and Waste Management in the Chemical Industry. Claus  Christ

Production-Integrated Environmental Protection and Waste Management in the Chemical Industry

Characterization of Powders and Aerosols. Brian Kaye H.

Characterization of Powders and Aerosols

Ways to Successful Strategies in Drug Research and Development. H.-Harald  Sedlacek

Ways to Successful Strategies in Drug Research and Development

Thermal Methods in Petroleum Analysis. Heinz  Kopsch

Thermal Methods in Petroleum Analysis

Chemometric Methods in Molecular Design. Povl  Krogsgaard-Larsen

Chemometric Methods in Molecular Design

Stem Cells in Birth Defects Research and Developmental Toxicology. Theodore Rasmussen P.

Stem Cells in Birth Defects Research and Developmental Toxicology

Carbohydrate Recognition in Cellular Function. Sara  Harnett

Carbohydrate Recognition in Cellular Function

Gap Junction-Mediated Intercellular Signalling in Health and Disease. Gail  Cardew

Gap Junction-Mediated Intercellular Signalling in Health and Disease

Ionizion Radiations and Cell Metabolism. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Ionizion Radiations and Cell Metabolism

Methodology of the Study of Ageing, Volume 3. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Methodology of the Study of Ageing, Volume 3

Chemistry and Biology of Mucopolysaccharides. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Chemistry and Biology of Mucopolysaccharides

Control Processes in Multicellular Organisms. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Control Processes in Multicellular Organisms

Molecular Properties of Drug Receptors. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Molecular Properties of Drug Receptors

Growth Control in Cell Cultures. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Growth Control in Cell Cultures

Monoamine Oxidase and its Inhibition. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Monoamine Oxidase and its Inhibition

Mobility and Function in Proteins and Nucleic Acids. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Mobility and Function in Proteins and Nucleic Acids

Molecular Biology of Egg Maturation. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Molecular Biology of Egg Maturation

The Biology of Extracellular Molecular Chaperones. Jamie Goode A.

The Biology of Extracellular Molecular Chaperones

Human Molecular Biology Laboratory Manual. Stefan  Surzycki

Human Molecular Biology Laboratory Manual

Culture of Human Tumor Cells. Roswitha  Pfragner

Culture of Human Tumor Cells

Cellular Aspects of HIV Infection. David  Kaplan

Cellular Aspects of HIV Infection

The Molecular Biology of Cancer. Stella  Pelengaris

The Molecular Biology of Cancer

Centrosomes in Development and Disease. Erich Nigg A.

Centrosomes in Development and Disease

Transduction Channels in Sensory Cells. Jonathan  Bradley

Transduction Channels in Sensory Cells

Cellular Proteins and Their Fatty Acids in Health and Disease. Friedrich  Spener

Cellular Proteins and Their Fatty Acids in Health and Disease

Autophagy in Immunity and Infection. Vojo  Deretic

Autophagy in Immunity and Infection

Stammzellforschung in Deutschland. M?glichkeiten und Perspektiven. Senatskommission f?r Grundsatzfragen der Genforschung

Stammzellforschung in Deutschland. M?glichkeiten und Perspektiven

Foreign DNA in Mammalian Systems. Walter  Doerfler

Foreign DNA in Mammalian Systems