Раздел: книги по философии

Philosophy of Religion. The Basics. Richard Creel E.

Philosophy of Religion. The Basics

Theism and Ultimate Explanation. The Necessary Shape of Contingency. Timothy  O'Connor

Theism and Ultimate Explanation. The Necessary Shape of Contingency

As Free and as Just as Possible. The Theory of Marxian Liberalism. Jeffrey  Reiman

As Free and as Just as Possible. The Theory of Marxian Liberalism

Contemporary Confucian Political Philosophy. Stephen Angle C.

Contemporary Confucian Political Philosophy

Wittgenstein. Opening Investigations. Michael  Luntley

Wittgenstein. Opening Investigations

Explaining the Normative. Stephen Turner P.

Explaining the Normative

Plato and Sex. Stella  Sandford

Plato and Sex

Mortal Subjects. Christina  Howells

Mortal Subjects

Hayden White. Herman  Paul

Hayden White

Jacques Ranci?re. Oliver  Davis

Jacques Ranci?re

Philosophy on Tap. Pint-Sized Puzzles for the Pub Philosopher. Matt  Lawrence

Philosophy on Tap. Pint-Sized Puzzles for the Pub Philosopher

Politics as Usual. What Lies Behind the Pro-Poor Rhetoric. Thomas Pogge W.

Politics as Usual. What Lies Behind the Pro-Poor Rhetoric

Hegel. J. M. Fritzman


Kristeva. Stacey  Keltner


Hobbes. Bernard  Gert


Adorno and the Ends of Philosophy. Andrew  Bowie

Adorno and the Ends of Philosophy

War Crimes, Atrocity and Justice. Michael Shapiro J.

War Crimes, Atrocity and Justice

Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory. James  Dreier

Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory

A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Aviezer  Tucker

A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography

A Beginner's Guide to Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil. Gareth  Southwell

A Beginner's Guide to Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil

The Blackwell Guide to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Kenneth Westphal R.

The Blackwell Guide to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit

An Introduction to Evolutionary Ethics. Scott James M.

An Introduction to Evolutionary Ethics

Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Thom  Brooks

Hegel's Philosophy of Right

Virtue and Vice, Moral and Epistemic. Heather  Battaly

Virtue and Vice, Moral and Epistemic

A Brief History of Justice. David  Johnston

A Brief History of Justice

Danto and His Critics. Mark  Rollins

Danto and His Critics

Jung and Educational Theory. Inna  Semetsky

Jung and Educational Theory

Critical Pedagogy and Race. Zeus  Leonardo

Critical Pedagogy and Race

Critical Thinking and Learning. Mark  Mason

Critical Thinking and Learning

Agents and Their Actions. Maximilian Gaynesford de

Agents and Their Actions

A Companion to Schopenhauer. Bart  Vandenabeele

A Companion to Schopenhauer

The Formation of Reason. David  Bakhurst

The Formation of Reason

Plato's Republic. Ален Бадью

Plato's Republic

Intellectuals and Power. Francois  Laruelle

Intellectuals and Power

Identity and Discrimination. Timothy  Williamson

Identity and Discrimination

Irrealism in Ethics. Bart  Streumer

Irrealism in Ethics

Ranciere Now. Oliver  Davis

Ranciere Now

Environmental Ethics. Michael  Boylan

Environmental Ethics

Kripke. John Burgess P.


Locke. A. Pyle J.


Paradoxes. Roy Cook T.


Toleration. Andrew Cohen Jason


Properties. Douglas  Edwards


Leibniz. Richard Arthur T.W.


Locke. Samuel Rickless C.


Camus. David  Sherman


Wittgenstein. Hans  Sluga


О себе – в первую очередь. Сергей Котелевский

О себе – в первую очередь

Трагизм и парадоксальность бытия. «Грусть от того, что не видно добра в добре». (Н. Гоголь). Сергей Безыменный

Трагизм и парадоксальность бытия. «Грусть от того, что не видно добра в добре». (Н. Гоголь)

Метагалактический Манифест. Виталий Сердюк

Метагалактический Манифест

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