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Список разделов
Раздел: медицина
Critical Care Medicine at a Glance
Questions and Answers for Dental Nurses
Neurological Disorders due to Systemic Disease
Oral Medicine and Medically Complex Patients
Diploma in Dental Nursing, Level 3
Trauma and Orthopaedics at a Glance
Hormonal Therapy for Male Sexual Dysfunction
Antiplatelet Therapy In Ischemic Heart Disease
The AHA Guidelines and Scientific Statements Handbook
Current Best Practice in Interventional Cardiology
Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing
The Essentials of Biostatistics for Physicians, Nurses, and Clinicians
The Built Environment and Public Health
Foodservice Manual for Health Care Institutions
The Hands-on Guide to Surgical Training
Clinical Research and the Law
The Orthodontic Mini-implant Clinical Handbook
Emergency Management in Neurocritical Care
Dentist's Guide to Medical Conditions, Medications and Complications
Everyday Medical Ethics and Law
Sample Size Determination and Power
How To Write a Paper
ABC of Medically Unexplained Symptoms
Practical Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
Transfusion Free Medicine and Surgery
Basic Guide to Dental Materials
Basic Guide to Dental Instruments
Critical Care Management of the Obese Patient
ABC of One to Seven
Metabolic Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing
How to Write a Grant Application
Dietary Supplements and Functional Foods
Nutrition in the Childbearing Years
Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth
Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Flow Cytometry of Hematological Malignancies
Research Writing in Dentistry
ABC of Interventional Cardiology
The Hunt for the Parathyroids
Oncology at a Glance
Medicine at a Glance
Prosthodontics at a Glance
Introduction to Health Promotion
ABC of Breast Diseases
Haimovici's Vascular Surgery
Dictionary of Communication Disorders
Physical Assessment for Nurses
Manual of Dietetic Practice