Раздел: социология

Социологические исследования в экономике и управлении. Виталий Зотов

Социологические исследования в экономике и управлении

Ukraine in Histories and Stories. Группа авторов

Ukraine in Histories and Stories

Человек и его смыслы: образовательные заметки. А. Д. Король

Человек и его смыслы: образовательные заметки

El Bien Y El Mal, Memorias. Gerardo D'Orrico

El Bien Y El Mal, Memorias

Good And Evil, Memories. Gerardo D'Orrico

Good And Evil, Memories

Коронавирус: как меняются наше сознание и будущее. Георгий Почепцов

Коронавирус: как меняются наше сознание и будущее

Политическая статистика. (Бакалавриат). Учебник.. Виктор Николаевич Салин

Политическая статистика. (Бакалавриат). Учебник.

The People's Home?. Michael Harloe

The People's Home?

Civil Society. Michael  Edwards

Civil Society

What is Cultural Sociology?. Lyn Spillman

What is Cultural Sociology?

Black in America. Christina Jackson

Black in America

How Green is Your Smartphone?. Richard  Maxwell

How Green is Your Smartphone?

Social Movements. Donatella della Porta

Social Movements

Digital Media Ethics. Charles  Ess

Digital Media Ethics

Persona Studies. Кристофер Мур

Persona Studies

Simmel. Thomas Kemple


Research Design and Analysis. Leslie D. Rosenstein

Research Design and Analysis

The Digital Era 2. Группа авторов

The Digital Era 2

Handbook of Health Social Work. Sarah Gehlert

Handbook of Health Social Work

Digital Identities in Tension. Andrew  Feenberg

Digital Identities in Tension

Modernity and

Modernity and "Whiteness"

What Makes a Social Crisis?. Jeffrey C. Alexander

What Makes a Social Crisis?

Innovation and Agility in the Digital Age. Soufyane Frimousse

Innovation and Agility in the Digital Age

The Metric Society. Steffen Mau

The Metric Society

Digital Information Ecosystems. Dominique  Augey

Digital Information Ecosystems

The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Sociology. Группа авторов

The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Sociology

Statistics in Environmental Sciences. Valerie David

Statistics in Environmental Sciences

The Crisis of Expertise. Gil  Eyal

The Crisis of Expertise

Should Robots Replace Teachers?. Neil Selwyn

Should Robots Replace Teachers?

Rewired. Группа авторов


Lineages of Modernity. Emmanuel Todd

Lineages of Modernity

Experimental Methods in Survey Research. Группа авторов

Experimental Methods in Survey Research

How Social Movements Can Save Democracy. Donatella della Porta

How Social Movements Can Save Democracy

How Social Movements Can Save Democracy. Donatella della Porta

How Social Movements Can Save Democracy

Intersectionality. Patricia Hill Collins


Durkheim and After. Philip  Smith

Durkheim and After

Grief. Svend Brinkmann


Society of Singularities. Andreas Reckwitz

Society of Singularities

Why Race Still Matters. Alana Lentin

Why Race Still Matters

Enrichment. Luc  Boltanski


Durkheim and After. Philip  Smith

Durkheim and After

Whiteness in America. Monica McDermott

Whiteness in America

Concepts of the Self. Anthony  Elliott

Concepts of the Self

The Tribalization of Europe. Marlene Wind

The Tribalization of Europe

Pandemic!. Slavoj ?i?ek


The Colonialism of Human Rights. Colin Samson

The Colonialism of Human Rights

The Colonialism of Human Rights. Colin Samson

The Colonialism of Human Rights

Migration and Climate Change. Jamila Alaktif

Migration and Climate Change

The New Latin America. Manuel  Castells

The New Latin America

Cryptocommunism. Mark Alizart


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