Раздел: социология

A Companion to Archaeology. John  Bintliff

A Companion to Archaeology

Mixtecs, Zapotecs, and Chatinos. Arthur Joyce A.

Mixtecs, Zapotecs, and Chatinos

Publics and the City. Kurt  Iveson

Publics and the City

Essentials of Child Welfare. Catherine N. Dulmus

Essentials of Child Welfare

Readings in Economic Sociology. Nicole Biggart Woolsey

Readings in Economic Sociology

Bridging the Digital Divide. Lisa Servon J.

Bridging the Digital Divide

The Nature of Money. Geoffrey  Ingham

The Nature of Money

Modernity and the Holocaust. Zygmunt Bauman

Modernity and the Holocaust

Postmodernity and its Discontents. Zygmunt Bauman

Postmodernity and its Discontents

Conversations with Zygmunt Bauman. Keith  Tester

Conversations with Zygmunt Bauman

The Art of Life. Zygmunt Bauman

The Art of Life

The Constitution of Society. Anthony  Giddens

The Constitution of Society

Words of the World. Abram De Swaan

Words of the World

Conversations with Anthony Giddens. Christopher  Pierson

Conversations with Anthony Giddens

Modernity and Self-Identity. Anthony  Giddens

Modernity and Self-Identity

In Defence of Sociology. Anthony  Giddens

In Defence of Sociology

Sociology and the Environment. Alan  Irwin

Sociology and the Environment

Ideology and Cultural Identity. Jorge  Larrain

Ideology and Cultural Identity

Trust in Modern Societies. Barbara  Misztal

Trust in Modern Societies

Ideology and Modern Culture. John Thompson B.

Ideology and Modern Culture

Managing Like a Man. Judy  Wajcman

Managing Like a Man

Conversations with Ulrich Beck. Ulrich  Beck

Conversations with Ulrich Beck

Re-reading Popular Culture. Joke  Hermes

Re-reading Popular Culture

The Future of Society. William  Outhwaite

The Future of Society

Ethnicity, Health and Health Care. Waqar  Ahmad

Ethnicity, Health and Health Care

The Power of Identity. Manuel  Castells

The Power of Identity

Urban China in Transition. John  Logan

Urban China in Transition

Cinema and the City. Mark  Shiel

Cinema and the City

Cities, War, and Terrorism. Stephen  Graham

Cities, War, and Terrorism

Badlands of the Republic. Mustafa  Dikec

Badlands of the Republic

Social Theory and Postcommunism. William  Outhwaite

Social Theory and Postcommunism

The Men and the Boys. Raewyn Connell W.

The Men and the Boys

Introducing Contemporary Feminist Thought. Mary  Evans

Introducing Contemporary Feminist Thought

Space, Place and Gender. Doreen  Massey

Space, Place and Gender

Prostitution, Power and Freedom. Julia Davidson O'Connell

Prostitution, Power and Freedom

Love, Power and Knowledge. Hilary  Rose

Love, Power and Knowledge

Gender in Political Theory. Judith  Squires

Gender in Political Theory

The Sociology of Gender. Amy Wharton S.

The Sociology of Gender

The Threat of Race. David Goldberg Theo

The Threat of Race

The Threat of Race. David Goldberg Theo

The Threat of Race

Critical Cultural Policy Studies. Toby  Miller

Critical Cultural Policy Studies

Myths for the Masses. Hanno  Hardt

Myths for the Masses

Media and Cultural Studies. Douglas Kellner M.

Media and Cultural Studies

The Media and The Public. Karen  Ross

The Media and The Public

The Future of Live. Karin Es van

The Future of Live

Caste and Race. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Caste and Race

Dictionary of Artifacts. Barbara Kipfer Ann

Dictionary of Artifacts

Archaeologies of Materiality. Lynn  Meskell

Archaeologies of Materiality

Ghosts of Memory. Janet  Carsten

Ghosts of Memory

We Share Walls. Katherine Hoffman E.

We Share Walls

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