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Список разделов
Раздел: социология
Family Problems
Composing Research, Communicating Results
A Companion to Popular Culture
A Concise History of World Population
Understanding and Applying Basic Statistical Methods Using R
Using Statistics in the Social and Health Sciences with SPSS and Excel
Statistics and Causality
Categorical Statistics for Communication Research
Methods and Tools for Creative Competitive Intelligence
Family Theories. Foundations and Applications
Ageing, Dementia and the Social Mind
Applying Theory to Generalist Social Work Practice
Engineering Polymer Systems for Improved Drug Delivery
Case Studies in Child, Adolescent, and Family Treatment
The Social Movements Reader
Introduction to Information Literacy for Students
Contracting-out Welfare Services
Agent-Based Modelling in Economics
Girls, Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice
Globalised Minds, Roots in the City
Connecting Social Welfare Policy to Fields of Practice
Practices of Selfhood
A Companion to Celebrity
On the World and Ourselves
The Globalization and Development Reader
Children, Health and Well-being
The Sociology of Healthcare Safety and Quality
Managing Applied Social Research
Total Survey Error in Practice
Великая Россия – благо или зло?
Сила возраста. Уроки старости для семей и молодежи
Роль социально-гуманитарных дисциплин в формировании мировоззрения и профессиональной культуры будущего специалиста. (Магистратура). Сборник статей.
Целевые ориентиры государственной национальной политики. Возобновление человеческого ресурса и национальные культуры. Проблема Другого
Russia and the Moslem World № 01 / 2011
Russia and the Moslem World № 02 / 2011
Russia and the Moslem World № 03 / 2011
Russia and the Moslem World № 04 / 2011
Russia and the Moslem World № 05 / 2011
Russia and the Moslem World № 06 / 2011
Russia and the Moslem World № 07 / 2011
Russia and the Moslem World № 08 / 2011
Russia and the Moslem World № 09 / 2011
Russia and the Moslem World № 10 / 2011
Russia and the Moslem World № 11 / 2011
Russia and the Moslem World № 12 / 2011
Russia and the Moslem World № 04 / 2010
Russia and the Moslem World № 05 / 2010
Russia and the Moslem World № 06 / 2010