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Раздел: психиатрия
Basic Family Therapy
Psychiatry, eTextbook. Clinical Cases Uncovered
Краткое пособие по психиатрии
How to Succeed in Psychiatry
Standard Electroencephalography in Clinical Psychiatry
Religion and Psychiatry
Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry
Parenthood and Mental Health
Substance Abuse Disorders
Mental Illness, Discrimination and the Law
The Psychiatric Interview
Teaching Psychiatry
Depression and Heart Disease
Textbook of Psychiatric Epidemiology
Depression and Diabetes
Depression and Cancer
Depressive Disorders
Psychiatry and Heart Disease
Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Psychodynamic Formulation
Models for Mental Disorder
Clinical Guide to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders
HIV and Psychiatry
Improving Mental Health Care
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Partnering for Recovery in Mental Health
The Frith Prescribing Guidelines for People with Intellectual Disability
Psychiatry at a Glance
Leadership in Psychiatry
Neuromodulation in Psychiatry
Безумие ли? Как психиатры выставляют диагноз?
Исторические личности сквозь призму психиатрии
Не в себе. Учение о галлюцинациях
Динамическая психиатрия в ракурсах времени. К столетию со дня рождения.
Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation. Evolving Perspectives on Severe Psychopathology
Приговор. Об экспертизе душевнобольных и преступников
Похитители разума. Краткая история лоботомии
Осуществленная утопия: первый эксперимент профессиональной самоорганизации в психиатрии
Гипноз. Истории болезни моих пациентов
Early Detection and Management of Mental Disorders
The Roots of the Recovery Movement in Psychiatry
Anthology of French Language Psychiatric Texts
40 Years of Academic Public Psychiatry
Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Understanding Nicotine and Tobacco Addiction
Hughes' Outline of Modern Psychiatry