Раздел: логистика

Интеллектуальные методы управления транспортными системами. С. А. Ляпин

Интеллектуальные методы управления транспортными системами

Rent. Joe Collins


Immersive Technologies to Accelerate Innovation. Simon Richir

Immersive Technologies to Accelerate Innovation

Rent. Joe Collins


Immersive Technologies to Accelerate Innovation. Simon Richir

Immersive Technologies to Accelerate Innovation

Инновационный подход к проектированию системы транспортировки крупногабаритных тяжеловесных грузов. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебник.. Наталья Александровна Троицкая

Инновационный подход к проектированию системы транспортировки крупногабаритных тяжеловесных грузов. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебник.

Оптимизация ресурсов организаций (подразделений), связанных с материальными и нематериальными потоками. (СПО). Учебник.. Владимир Арсентьевич Медведев

Оптимизация ресурсов организаций (подразделений), связанных с материальными и нематериальными потоками. (СПО). Учебник.

Joint Ventures Involving Tax-Exempt Organizations. Michael I. Sanders

Joint Ventures Involving Tax-Exempt Organizations

Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations. Paul L. Dann

Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations

Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations. Paul L. Dann

Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations

Making Light Work. David A. Spencer

Making Light Work

Shift. Richard Lees


Shift. Richard Lees


Corporate Explorer. Charles A. O'Reilly

Corporate Explorer

Business Plans For Dummies. Paul  Tiffany

Business Plans For Dummies

Fundraising for Social Change. Stan Yogi

Fundraising for Social Change

Business Plans For Dummies. Paul  Tiffany

Business Plans For Dummies

A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services. Valerie Mathieu

A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services

Der Change-Code. Dieter Lederer

Der Change-Code

Grant Writing For Dummies. Beverly A. Browning

Grant Writing For Dummies

Транспортная логистика. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебное пособие.. Ильдар Бариевич Мухаметдинов

Транспортная логистика. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебное пособие.

Successful Black Entrepreneurs. Steven S. Rogers

Successful Black Entrepreneurs

Change. Gaurav  Gupta


Grant Writing For Dummies. Beverly A. Browning

Grant Writing For Dummies

A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services. Valerie Mathieu

A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services

Employability and Industrial Mutations. Группа авторов

Employability and Industrial Mutations

Starting a Business All-in-One For Dummies. Eric Tyson

Starting a Business All-in-One For Dummies

Wertsch?tzende Teamentwicklung. Reinhold Pabst

Wertsch?tzende Teamentwicklung

Employability and Industrial Mutations. Группа авторов

Employability and Industrial Mutations

The Smart Nonprofit. Beth Kanter

The Smart Nonprofit

The Smart Nonprofit. Beth Kanter

The Smart Nonprofit

The Tech That Comes Next. Amy Sample Ward

The Tech That Comes Next

Achieving Excellence in Fundraising. Группа авторов

Achieving Excellence in Fundraising

The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations. Bruce R. Hopkins

The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations

Achieving Excellence in Fundraising. Группа авторов

Achieving Excellence in Fundraising

The Law of Fundraising. Bruce R. Hopkins

The Law of Fundraising

The Law of Fundraising. Bruce R. Hopkins

The Law of Fundraising

The Tax Law of Charitable Giving. Bruce R. Hopkins

The Tax Law of Charitable Giving

Managing Customer Experience and Relationships. Don  Peppers

Managing Customer Experience and Relationships

Managing Customer Experience and Relationships. Don  Peppers

Managing Customer Experience and Relationships

Revenue Operations. Chris K. Hummel

Revenue Operations

Revenue Operations. Chris K. Hummel

Revenue Operations

How the Future Works. Brian Elliott

How the Future Works

How the Future Works. Brian Elliott

How the Future Works

Lead Upwards. Sarah E. Brown

Lead Upwards

Lead Upwards. Sarah E. Brown

Lead Upwards

The Value Equation. Christopher H. Volk

The Value Equation

The Value Equation. Christopher H. Volk

The Value Equation

Impact the World. Carrie Rich

Impact the World

Impact the World. Carrie Rich

Impact the World