Schreiben in technischen Berufen. Der Ratgeber f?r Ingenieure und Techniker- Berichte, Dokumentationen, Pr?sentationen, Fachartikel, Schulungsunterlagen
Engineering the CMOS Library. Enhancing Digital Design Kits for Competitive Silicon
Automatisieren mit SIMATIC. Controller, Software, Programmierung, Datenkommunikation, Bedienen und Beobachten
Advanced Safety Management. Focusing on Z10 and Serious Injury Prevention
Chirality at the Nanoscale. Nanoparticles, Surfaces, Materials and More
Power Electronic Converters. PWM Strategies and Current Control Techniques
Classics in Cartography. Reflections on influential articles from Cartographica
Handbook of Alcoholic Beverages. Technical, Analytical and Nutritional Aspects
Protean Supply Chains. Ten Dynamics of Supply and Demand Alignment
Applications of High Temperature Superconductors to Electric Power Equipment
Modeling and Simulation of Catalytic Reactors for Petroleum Refining
Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites. Metal and Ceramic Matrices
Advanced Thermoforming. Methods, Machines and Materials, Applications and Automation
Competitive Inteligence 2.0. Organization, Innovation and Territory
Applied Polymer Rheology. Polymeric Fluids with Industrial Applications