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Раздел: социальная психология
НЛП. Техники, меняющие жизнь
Конфликтология. Учебник для вузов
Социальная психология в организациях. Инновационный тренинг
Отделим бизнесменов от рантье
Практическая физиогномика. Книга-тренажер
Социальная психология
Психология общения
Конфликтология. Учебное пособие
Странный рецепт
Преодоление страсти аскетическими и психологическими методами
Путеводитель по граблям. Маршрут №1
Психология дискурса: проблемы детерминации, воздействия, безопасности
The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, with DSM-5 Updates
John Bowlby - From Psychoanalysis to Ethology. Unravelling the Roots of Attachment Theory
What Do I Say?. The Therapist's Guide to Answering Client Questions
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Couples and Family Relationships
Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, Volume 36. The Origins and Organization of Adaptation and Maladaptation
Developmental Disorders of Language Learning and Cognition
Brain-Based Therapy with Adults. Evidence-Based Treatment for Everyday Practice
Handbook of Jealousy. Theory, Research, and Multidisciplinary Approaches
Aging Families and Caregiving
Clinician's Handbook for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Inference-Based Therapy
A Casebook of Family Interventions for Psychosis
The Handbook of Life-Span Development, Cognition, Biology, and Methods
Children and Social Exclusion. Morality, Prejudice, and Group Identity
Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice Study Guide
Posttraumatic Growth and Culturally Competent Practice. Lessons Learned from Around the Globe
Handbook of Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Psychology, Adult Disorders
Counselling and Helping
Мягкий босс – жесткий босс. Как говорить с подчиненными: от битвы за зарплату до укрощения незаменимых
Identity and Participation in Culturally Diverse Societies
Handbook of Multicultural Counseling Competencies
Case Studies in Multicultural Counseling and Therapy
From DNA to Social Cognition
The Science of Intimate Relationships
The Wiley Handbook of Psychology, Technology, and Society
Foundations of Homeland Security
Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence
Technology and Emergency Management
Extremism and the Psychology of Uncertainty
The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Operant and Classical Conditioning
Risk Centric Threat Modeling
Biological Weapons
Industrial Security
The Psychology of Diversity
Culture as Embodiment
The Ethics of Patriotism
Improvement Science in Evaluation: Methods and Uses