Раздел: общая психология

The Well-Managed Mental Health Practice. Группа авторов

The Well-Managed Mental Health Practice

Introduction to the Practice of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Группа авторов

Introduction to the Practice of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

The Adult Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner. Arthur E. Jongsma

The Adult Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner

The Crisis Counseling and Traumatic Events Treatment Planner. Arthur E. Jongsma

The Crisis Counseling and Traumatic Events Treatment Planner

The Probation and Parole Treatment Planner. Anjali  Nandi

The Probation and Parole Treatment Planner

The Child Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner. David Berghuis J.

The Child Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner

The Addiction Progress Notes Planner. Arthur E. Jongsma

The Addiction Progress Notes Planner

Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling. Melba Vasquez J.T.

Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling

Handbook of Sport Psychology. Gershon  Tenenbaum

Handbook of Sport Psychology

Making Hostile Words Harmless. Группа авторов

Making Hostile Words Harmless

Families, Carers and Professionals. Группа авторов

Families, Carers and Professionals

Handbook of Midlife Development. Группа авторов

Handbook of Midlife Development

Play Therapy with Adults. Группа авторов

Play Therapy with Adults

Health Psychology in Practice. Charles  Abraham

Health Psychology in Practice

Career Development and Counseling. Robert Lent W.

Career Development and Counseling

Theories of Infant Development. Alan  Slater

Theories of Infant Development

Handbook of Parent Training. Charles E. Schaefer

Handbook of Parent Training

Handbook of Adolescent Psychology. Laurence  Steinberg

Handbook of Adolescent Psychology

Staying Well After Psychosis. Matthias  Schwannauer

Staying Well After Psychosis

Cognitive Therapy in Groups. Группа авторов

Cognitive Therapy in Groups

Resolving Difficult Clinical Syndromes. Theodore  Millon

Resolving Difficult Clinical Syndromes

Overcoming Resistant Personality Disorders. Theodore  Millon

Overcoming Resistant Personality Disorders

Moderating Severe Personality Disorders. Theodore  Millon

Moderating Severe Personality Disorders

Twenty-First Century Psychotherapies. Группа авторов

Twenty-First Century Psychotherapies

Understanding Your Schizophrenia Illness. Группа авторов

Understanding Your Schizophrenia Illness

Changing Outcomes in Psychosis. Gina  Smith

Changing Outcomes in Psychosis

Emotional Disorders and Metacognition. Группа авторов

Emotional Disorders and Metacognition

Substance Misuse in Psychosis. Alex  Copello

Substance Misuse in Psychosis

Essentials of Behavioral Assessment. Cecil Reynolds R.

Essentials of Behavioral Assessment

Essentials of Treatment Planning. Группа авторов

Essentials of Treatment Planning

The Evidence-Based Practice. Chris Stout E.

The Evidence-Based Practice

The Clinical Documentation Sourcebook. Группа авторов

The Clinical Documentation Sourcebook

Evidence-Based Clinical Supervision. Группа авторов

Evidence-Based Clinical Supervision

Handbook of Applied Cognition. Stephan  Lewandowsky

Handbook of Applied Cognition

Language in Social Worlds. Группа авторов

Language in Social Worlds

Brain Development and Cognition. Yuko  Munakata

Brain Development and Cognition

The Science of Reading. Charles  Hulme

The Science of Reading

Evolutionary Thought in Psychology. Группа авторов

Evolutionary Thought in Psychology

Making up the Mind. Группа авторов

Making up the Mind

Treating and Preventing Obesity. Egon  Jonsson

Treating and Preventing Obesity

Feminist Perspectives in Therapy. Judith  Worell

Feminist Perspectives in Therapy

Eating Disorders in Athletes. Группа авторов

Eating Disorders in Athletes

Handbook of Eating Disorders. Ulrike  Schmidt

Handbook of Eating Disorders

Handbook of School Neuropsychology. Elaine  Fletcher-Janzen

Handbook of School Neuropsychology

The e-Learning Handbook. Patti  Shank

The e-Learning Handbook

Emotion-Focused Cognitive Therapy. Группа авторов

Emotion-Focused Cognitive Therapy

Offenders with Developmental Disabilities. Peter  Sturmey

Offenders with Developmental Disabilities

Theories of Sexual Offending. Tony  Ward

Theories of Sexual Offending

Attachment and Sexual Offending. Группа авторов

Attachment and Sexual Offending

Competence in the Law. Mary  Connell

Competence in the Law