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Список разделов
Список разделов
Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература
New Media for a New China
English Grammar Workbook For Dummies, with Online Practice
The Handbook of Discourse Analysis
The Handbook of Language Variation and Change
The Handbook of Language and Gender
The Handbook of the History of English
Sound Patterns of Spoken English
The Development of African American English
The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition
The Handbook of English Linguistics
Blackwell Guide to Research Methods in Bilingualism and Multilingualism
The Handbook of Pidgin and Creole Studies
Memory and the Computational Brain
From Strategy to Change
Building Faculty Learning Communities
Serving the Millennial Generation
Serving Students with Disabilities
On Teaching and Learning
Gender Equity or Bust!
Foundations of Special Education
Language and Social Disadvantage
Dyslexia, Speech and Language
Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Mathematics
Dyslexia and Learning Style
Instrumental Music for Dyslexics
Parents with Intellectual Disabilities
Shaping the College Curriculum
The Exploratorium Science Snackbook
FERPA Clear and Simple
Developing Social Justice Allies
The Student Leadership Challenge
Exploring Education Through Phenomenology
Exploring the Digital Library
Learning in Real Time
Building Online Learning Communities
Language, Frogs and Savants
The Handbook of Linguistics
Intercultural Discourse and Communication
Gendered Talk at Work
Understanding Faculty Productivity
Efficiency in Learning
Leading for Literacy
Leading for Learning
Learning in Adulthood
Power in Practice
Quantitative Data Analysis
Assessing Student Learning
Learner-Centered Teaching
Creating Campus Community
Autism Spectrum Disorders