Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература

A Practical Guide to Optical Metrology for Thin Films. Michael  Quinten

A Practical Guide to Optical Metrology for Thin Films

Nonrelativistic Quantum X-Ray Physics. Stefan Hau-Riege P.

Nonrelativistic Quantum X-Ray Physics

The Physics and Engineering of Compact Quantum Dot-based Lasers for Biophotonics. Edik Rafailov U.

The Physics and Engineering of Compact Quantum Dot-based Lasers for Biophotonics

Chemie f?r Einsteiger und Durchsteiger. Thomas  Wurm

Chemie f?r Einsteiger und Durchsteiger

Is the EU Doomed?. Jan  Zielonka

Is the EU Doomed?

Cyber Policy in China. Greg  Austin

Cyber Policy in China

Physics of Solar Energy. C. Chen Julian

Physics of Solar Energy

Horticultural Reviews, Volume 39. Jules  Janick

Horticultural Reviews, Volume 39

Progress in Inorganic Chemistry. Kenneth Karlin D.

Progress in Inorganic Chemistry

Essential Computational Fluid Dynamics. Oleg  Zikanov

Essential Computational Fluid Dynamics

Advances in Water Desalination. Noam  Lior

Advances in Water Desalination

Horticultural Reviews, Volume 40. Jules  Janick

Horticultural Reviews, Volume 40

The Toxicology of Methanol. John Clary J.

The Toxicology of Methanol

The Magic of Ceramics. David Richerson W.

The Magic of Ceramics

Mobile Video with Mobile IPv6. Daniel  Minoli

Mobile Video with Mobile IPv6

Molecular Markers in Plants. Robert Henry J.

Molecular Markers in Plants

Galatians Through the Centuries. John  Riches

Galatians Through the Centuries

Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems. Jean-Yves  Dufour

Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems

Dictionary of Scientific Principles. Stephen  Marvin

Dictionary of Scientific Principles

Practical Applications in Engineering. Jean-Michel  Tanguy

Practical Applications in Engineering

Chemical Sensors and Biosensors. Rene  Lalauze

Chemical Sensors and Biosensors

Geographical Information and Climatology. Pierre  Carrega

Geographical Information and Climatology

Photon-based Medical Imagery. Herv? Fanet

Photon-based Medical Imagery

Control of Synchronous Motors. Jean-Paul  Louis

Control of Synchronous Motors

Fundamentals of Software Testing. Bernard Hom?s

Fundamentals of Software Testing

Mechanics of Unsaturated Geomaterials. Lyesse  Laloui

Mechanics of Unsaturated Geomaterials

Radionuclides in the Environment. David Atwood A.

Radionuclides in the Environment

Metamaterials and Wave Control. Eric  Lheurette

Metamaterials and Wave Control

Magnetic Actuators and Sensors. John Brauer R.

Magnetic Actuators and Sensors

Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis. Robert Blankenship E.

Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis

Iodine Chemistry and Applications. Tatsuo  Kaiho

Iodine Chemistry and Applications

Handbook of Biomedical Telemetry. Konstantina Nikita S.

Handbook of Biomedical Telemetry

Simply Photoshop Elements 9. Mike  Wooldridge

Simply Photoshop Elements 9

Characterisation of Bulk Solids. Don  McGlinchey

Characterisation of Bulk Solids

Annual Plant Reviews, Plastids. Simon Moller Geir

Annual Plant Reviews, Plastids

Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics. Keith  Johnson

Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics

How Food Made History. B. Higman W.

How Food Made History

An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Ronald  Wardhaugh

An Introduction to Sociolinguistics

Globalization and Contemporary Art. Jonathan  Harris

Globalization and Contemporary Art

Functional Fillers for Plastics. Marino  Xanthos

Functional Fillers for Plastics

Transitions in Molecular Systems. Hans Kupka J.

Transitions in Molecular Systems

Catalytic Asymmetric Conjugate Reactions. Armando  Cordova

Catalytic Asymmetric Conjugate Reactions

Temperature-Programmed Gas Chromatography. Leonid Blumberg M.

Temperature-Programmed Gas Chromatography

Self-Organized Surfactant Structures. Tharwat Tadros F.

Self-Organized Surfactant Structures

Surface Modes in Physics. Bo Sernelius E.

Surface Modes in Physics

Handbook of Plastic Optics. Stefan B?umer

Handbook of Plastic Optics

Die Chemie des Lebens. Prof. Georg Schwedt

Die Chemie des Lebens

Modeling of Molecular Properties. Peter  Comba

Modeling of Molecular Properties

Emulsion Formation and Stability. Tharwat Tadros F.

Emulsion Formation and Stability

Handbuch der Mechanischen Verfahrenstechnik. Heinrich  Schubert

Handbuch der Mechanischen Verfahrenstechnik