Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература

Coaching Junior Football Teams For Dummies. Greg  Bach

Coaching Junior Football Teams For Dummies

Anxiety and Depression Workbook For Dummies. Elaine Iljon Foreman

Anxiety and Depression Workbook For Dummies

The Teacher's Big Book of Graphic Organizers. 100 Reproducible Organizers that Help Kids with Reading, Writing, and the Content Areas. Katherine McKnight S.

The Teacher's Big Book of Graphic Organizers. 100 Reproducible Organizers that Help Kids with Reading, Writing, and the Content Areas

The Elementary Teacher's Big Book of Graphic Organizers, K-5. 100+ Ready-to-Use Organizers That Help Kids Learn Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and More. Katherine McKnight S.

The Elementary Teacher's Big Book of Graphic Organizers, K-5. 100+ Ready-to-Use Organizers That Help Kids Learn Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and More

The Algebra Teacher's Guide to Reteaching Essential Concepts and Skills. 150 Mini-Lessons for Correcting Common Mistakes. Erin  Muschla

The Algebra Teacher's Guide to Reteaching Essential Concepts and Skills. 150 Mini-Lessons for Correcting Common Mistakes

The Spelling Teacher's Lesson-a-Day. 180 Reproducible Activities to Teach Spelling, Phonics, and Vocabulary. Edward Fry B.

The Spelling Teacher's Lesson-a-Day. 180 Reproducible Activities to Teach Spelling, Phonics, and Vocabulary

The Writing Teacher's Activity-a-Day. 180 Reproducible Prompts and Quick-Writes for the Secondary Classroom. Mary Ledbetter Ellen

The Writing Teacher's Activity-a-Day. 180 Reproducible Prompts and Quick-Writes for the Secondary Classroom

Math Starters. 5- to 10-Minute Activities Aligned with the Common Core Math Standards, Grades 6-12. Erin  Muschla

Math Starters. 5- to 10-Minute Activities Aligned with the Common Core Math Standards, Grades 6-12

Don't Forget to Write for the Secondary Grades. 50 Enthralling and Effective Writing Lessons (Ages 11 and Up). Jennifer  Traig

Don't Forget to Write for the Secondary Grades. 50 Enthralling and Effective Writing Lessons (Ages 11 and Up)

Don't Forget to Write for the Elementary Grades. 50 Enthralling and Effective Writing Lessons (Ages 5 to 12). Jennifer  Traig

Don't Forget to Write for the Elementary Grades. 50 Enthralling and Effective Writing Lessons (Ages 5 to 12)

Options Made Simple. A Beginner's Guide to Trading Options for Success. Jacqueline  Clarke

Options Made Simple. A Beginner's Guide to Trading Options for Success

The Heart of Higher Education. A Call to Renewal. Arthur  Zajonc

The Heart of Higher Education. A Call to Renewal

Investing in Rent-to-Own Property. A Complete Guide for Canadian Real Estate Investors. Mark  Loeffler

Investing in Rent-to-Own Property. A Complete Guide for Canadian Real Estate Investors

Social Media for School Leaders. A Comprehensive Guide to Getting the Most Out of Facebook, Twitter, and Other Essential Web Tools. Brian  Dixon

Social Media for School Leaders. A Comprehensive Guide to Getting the Most Out of Facebook, Twitter, and Other Essential Web Tools

Content Matters. A Disciplinary Literacy Approach to Improving Student Learning. Anthony Petrosky R.

Content Matters. A Disciplinary Literacy Approach to Improving Student Learning

Islamic Finance in a Nutshell. A Guide for Non-Specialists. Brian  Kettell

Islamic Finance in a Nutshell. A Guide for Non-Specialists

Crowdfunding. A Guide to Raising Capital on the Internet. Steven  Dresner

Crowdfunding. A Guide to Raising Capital on the Internet

Seven Secrets of the Savvy School Leader. A Guide to Surviving and Thriving. Robert  Evans

Seven Secrets of the Savvy School Leader. A Guide to Surviving and Thriving

Why America Needs a Left. A Historical Argument. Eli  Zaretsky

Why America Needs a Left. A Historical Argument

The Problem with Math Is English. A Language-Focused Approach to Helping All Students Develop a Deeper Understanding of Mathematics. Concepcion  Molina

The Problem with Math Is English. A Language-Focused Approach to Helping All Students Develop a Deeper Understanding of Mathematics

Solution-Focused RTI. A Positive and Personalized Approach to Response-to-Intervention. Linda  Metcalf

Solution-Focused RTI. A Positive and Personalized Approach to Response-to-Intervention

Discipline in the Secondary Classroom. A Positive Approach to Behavior Management. Randall Sprick S.

Discipline in the Secondary Classroom. A Positive Approach to Behavior Management

Nonprofit Financial Management. A Practical Guide. Charles Coe K.

Nonprofit Financial Management. A Practical Guide

Communicating the User Experience. A Practical Guide for Creating Useful UX Documentation. Richard  Caddick

Communicating the User Experience. A Practical Guide for Creating Useful UX Documentation

Distinctive Design. A Practical Guide to a Useful, Beautiful Web. Alexander  Dawson

Distinctive Design. A Practical Guide to a Useful, Beautiful Web

Leverage Leadership. A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools. Paul  Bambrick-Santoyo

Leverage Leadership. A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools

The Literacy Cookbook. A Practical Guide to Effective Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening Instruction. Sarah  Tantillo

The Literacy Cookbook. A Practical Guide to Effective Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening Instruction

The Dyslexia Checklist. A Practical Reference for Parents and Teachers. Judith  Stern

The Dyslexia Checklist. A Practical Reference for Parents and Teachers

The Tourette Syndrome and OCD Checklist. A Practical Reference for Parents and Teachers. Susan  Conners

The Tourette Syndrome and OCD Checklist. A Practical Reference for Parents and Teachers

The Autism Checklist. A Practical Reference for Parents and Teachers. Paula  Kluth

The Autism Checklist. A Practical Reference for Parents and Teachers

Investing in Energy. A Primer on the Economics of the Energy Industry. Gianna  Bern

Investing in Energy. A Primer on the Economics of the Energy Industry

#EdJourney. A Roadmap to the Future of Education. Grant  Lichtman

#EdJourney. A Roadmap to the Future of Education

Top Stocks 2013 Half Yearly Update. A Sharebuyer's Guide to Leading Australian Companies. Martin  Roth

Top Stocks 2013 Half Yearly Update. A Sharebuyer's Guide to Leading Australian Companies

Intellectual Property Strategies for the 21st Century Corporation. A Shift in Strategic and Financial Management. Matthew Asbell D.

Intellectual Property Strategies for the 21st Century Corporation. A Shift in Strategic and Financial Management

Corporate Valuation Modeling. A Step-by-Step Guide. Keith Allman A.

Corporate Valuation Modeling. A Step-by-Step Guide

101 Design Methods. A Structured Approach for Driving Innovation in Your Organization. Vijay  Kumar

101 Design Methods. A Structured Approach for Driving Innovation in Your Organization

Whole Novels for the Whole Class. A Student-Centered Approach. Ariel  Sacks

Whole Novels for the Whole Class. A Student-Centered Approach

Differentiated Instruction for the Middle School Science Teacher. Activities and Strategies for an Inclusive Classroom. Joan  D'Amico

Differentiated Instruction for the Middle School Science Teacher. Activities and Strategies for an Inclusive Classroom

Celebrating Every Learner. Activities and Strategies for Creating a Multiple Intelligences Classroom. Christine  Wallach

Celebrating Every Learner. Activities and Strategies for Creating a Multiple Intelligences Classroom

LinkedIn Marketing. An Hour a Day. Viveka Rosen von

LinkedIn Marketing. An Hour a Day

Secrets of the Canadian Real Estate Cycle. An Investor's Guide. Kieran  Trass

Secrets of the Canadian Real Estate Cycle. An Investor's Guide

Wiring the Brain for Reading. Brain-Based Strategies for Teaching Literacy. Marilee Sprenger B.

Wiring the Brain for Reading. Brain-Based Strategies for Teaching Literacy

Valuation for M&A. Building Value in Private Companies. Frank Evans C.

Valuation for M&A. Building Value in Private Companies

The Innovative University. Changing the DNA of Higher Education from the Inside Out. Clayton Christensen M.

The Innovative University. Changing the DNA of Higher Education from the Inside Out

The New One-Page Project Manager. Communicate and Manage Any Project With A Single Sheet of Paper. Mick  Campbell

The New One-Page Project Manager. Communicate and Manage Any Project With A Single Sheet of Paper

An Executive Guide to IFRS. Content, Costs and Benefits to Business. Peter  Walton

An Executive Guide to IFRS. Content, Costs and Benefits to Business

From the Campfire to the Holodeck. Creating Engaging and Powerful 21st Century Learning Environments. David  Thornburg

From the Campfire to the Holodeck. Creating Engaging and Powerful 21st Century Learning Environments

Convert!. Designing Web Sites to Increase Traffic and Conversion. Ben  Hunt

Convert!. Designing Web Sites to Increase Traffic and Conversion

iOS 7 Programming Pushing the Limits. Develop Advance Applications for Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Rob  Napier

iOS 7 Programming Pushing the Limits. Develop Advance Applications for Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

Valuation Techniques. Discounted Cash Flow, Earnings Quality, Measures of Value Added, and Real Options. Jason Voss A.

Valuation Techniques. Discounted Cash Flow, Earnings Quality, Measures of Value Added, and Real Options