Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература

Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Myron Best G.

Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

Perspectives in Carbonate Geology. Judith McKenzie A.

Perspectives in Carbonate Geology

Arctic Sea Ice Decline. L.-Bruno  Tremblay

Arctic Sea Ice Decline

Seismic Inverse Q Filtering. Yanghua  Wang

Seismic Inverse Q Filtering

Peripheral Circulation in Man. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Peripheral Circulation in Man

Bone Structure and Metabolism. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Bone Structure and Metabolism

Pulmonary Structure and Function. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Pulmonary Structure and Function

Development of the Lung. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Development of the Lung

Energy Metabolism in Trauma. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Energy Metabolism in Trauma

Principles of Human Evolution. Roger  Lewin

Principles of Human Evolution

Environmental Physiology of Animals. Ian  Johnston

Environmental Physiology of Animals

Introduction to Magnetic Materials. B. Cullity D.

Introduction to Magnetic Materials

Mathematical Tools for Physicists. George Trigg L.

Mathematical Tools for Physicists

Methods of Mathematical Physics. Richard  Courant

Methods of Mathematical Physics

Introduction to Perturbation Techniques. Ali Nayfeh H.

Introduction to Perturbation Techniques

Introduction to Mathematical Physics. Michael Vaughn T.

Introduction to Mathematical Physics

Handbook of Chaos Control. Eckehard  Scholl

Handbook of Chaos Control

Physics of Stochastic Processes. Reinhard  Mahnke

Physics of Stochastic Processes

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation. Kai  Velten

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation

Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics. Oscar  Biblarz

Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics

Particles in Turbulent Flows. Leonid Zaichik I.

Particles in Turbulent Flows

Understanding Lightning and Lightning Protection. Tibor  Horvath

Understanding Lightning and Lightning Protection

Mesoscale Meteorology in Midlatitudes. Paul  Markowski

Mesoscale Meteorology in Midlatitudes

Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Dynamics. Jonathan Martin E.

Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Dynamics

Molecular Control of Haemopoiesis. Joan  Marsh

Molecular Control of Haemopoiesis

G Protein-Coupled Receptors. David  Poyner

G Protein-Coupled Receptors

Handbook of Comparative Genomics. Cecilia  Saccone

Handbook of Comparative Genomics

Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics. Jonathan  Pevsner

Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics

Molecular Biology Problem Solver. Alan Gerstein S.

Molecular Biology Problem Solver

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing. Paul Mix E.

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing

Nuclear and Particle Physics. Brian Martin R.

Nuclear and Particle Physics

Theory of Tokamak Transport. Leslie Woods Colin

Theory of Tokamak Transport

Surface and Interfacial Forces. Hans-Jurgen  Butt

Surface and Interfacial Forces

Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems. K. Mann H.

Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems

Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy. David Brady J.

Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy

Handbook of Holographic Interferometry. Thomas  Kreis

Handbook of Holographic Interferometry

Optics, Light and Lasers. Dieter  Meschede

Optics, Light and Lasers

Ultra-fast Material Metrology. Alexander  Horn

Ultra-fast Material Metrology

Thermal Biophysics of Membranes. Thomas  Heimburg

Thermal Biophysics of Membranes

Methods of Mathematical Physics. Richard  Courant

Methods of Mathematical Physics

Introduction to Elementary Particles. David  Griffiths

Introduction to Elementary Particles

Seizure Prediction in Epilepsy. Jens  Timmer

Seizure Prediction in Epilepsy

Elements of Quantum Information. Herbert  Walther

Elements of Quantum Information

Physics for Radiation Protection. James Martin E.

Physics for Radiation Protection

Robust Industrial Control Systems. Michael Grimble J.

Robust Industrial Control Systems

Active Control of Structures. Andre  Preumont

Active Control of Structures

Adaptive Approximation Based Control. Marios Polycarpou M.

Adaptive Approximation Based Control

Extended Surface Heat Transfer. Abdul  Aziz

Extended Surface Heat Transfer

Principles of Statistical Physics. Boris Smirnov M.

Principles of Statistical Physics

Plasma Cathode Electron Sources. Efim  Oks

Plasma Cathode Electron Sources