Раздел: зарубежная образовательная литература

Catalysts for Fine Chemical Synthesis, Hydrolysis, Oxidation and Reduction. Geraldine  Poignant

Catalysts for Fine Chemical Synthesis, Hydrolysis, Oxidation and Reduction

Orbital Interaction Theory of Organic Chemistry. Группа авторов

Orbital Interaction Theory of Organic Chemistry

Fractals, Diffusion, and Relaxation in Disordered Complex Systems, Part A. Stuart A. Rice

Fractals, Diffusion, and Relaxation in Disordered Complex Systems, Part A

High-Throughput Screening in Chemical Catalysis. Peter  Strasser

High-Throughput Screening in Chemical Catalysis

Calculation of NMR and EPR Parameters. Martin  Kaupp

Calculation of NMR and EPR Parameters

Computational Chemistry of Solid State Materials. Roald  Hoffmann

Computational Chemistry of Solid State Materials

Highly Efficient OLEDs with Phosphorescent Materials. Группа авторов

Highly Efficient OLEDs with Phosphorescent Materials

Fundamentals of Early Clinical Drug Development. St?phane Caron

Fundamentals of Early Clinical Drug Development

Drug Discovery and Development, Volume 2. Группа авторов

Drug Discovery and Development, Volume 2

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry of Fluorine. Daniele  Bonnet-Delpon

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry of Fluorine

Principles and Applications of Emulsion Polymerization. Группа авторов

Principles and Applications of Emulsion Polymerization

Taking the Lead in Patient Safety. John  Hidley

Taking the Lead in Patient Safety

Principles and Applications of Thermal Analysis. Группа авторов

Principles and Applications of Thermal Analysis

Principles and Practice of Skin Toxicology. Shirley  Price

Principles and Practice of Skin Toxicology

Glow Discharge Plasmas in Analytical Spectroscopy. Jos? Broekaert A.C.

Glow Discharge Plasmas in Analytical Spectroscopy

LC/MS Applications in Drug Development. Mike Lee S.

LC/MS Applications in Drug Development

Multi-Objective Optimization in Chemical Engineering. Adrian  Bonilla-Petriciolet

Multi-Objective Optimization in Chemical Engineering

Introduction to Enzyme and Coenzyme Chemistry. T. D. H. Bugg

Introduction to Enzyme and Coenzyme Chemistry

Green Reaction Media in Organic Synthesis. Группа авторов

Green Reaction Media in Organic Synthesis

The Nanoscience and Technology of Renewable Biomaterials. Orlando  Rojas

The Nanoscience and Technology of Renewable Biomaterials

Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics. I.  Chorkendorff

Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics

Lipases and Phospholipases in Drug Development. Stefan  Petry

Lipases and Phospholipases in Drug Development

Fragment-based Approaches in Drug Discovery. Hugo  Kubinyi

Fragment-based Approaches in Drug Discovery

High-Throughput Screening in Drug Discovery. Hugo  Kubinyi

High-Throughput Screening in Drug Discovery

W?rterbuch der Schmierungstechnik / Dictionary of Lubrication Engineering. Группа авторов

W?rterbuch der Schmierungstechnik / Dictionary of Lubrication Engineering

Solid-Liquid Filtration and Separation Technology. Albert  Rushton

Solid-Liquid Filtration and Separation Technology

Lipophilicity in Drug Action and Toxicology. Hugo  Kubinyi

Lipophilicity in Drug Action and Toxicology

Perspektiven nachwachsender Rohstoffe in der Chemie. Группа авторов

Perspektiven nachwachsender Rohstoffe in der Chemie

Handbook of Green Chemistry and Technology. James Clark H.

Handbook of Green Chemistry and Technology

Textbook of in vivo Imaging in Vertebrates. Vasilis  Ntziachristos

Textbook of in vivo Imaging in Vertebrates

Regeneration of Vertebrate Sensory Receptor Cells. Julie  Whelan

Regeneration of Vertebrate Sensory Receptor Cells

Regulation of the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle. Группа авторов

Regulation of the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle

Dictionary of DNA and Genome Technology. Группа авторов

Dictionary of DNA and Genome Technology

Oxygen Free Radicals and Tissue Damage. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Oxygen Free Radicals and Tissue Damage

Hard Tissue Growth, Repair and Remineralization. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Hard Tissue Growth, Repair and Remineralization

Molecular Interactions and Activity in Proteins. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Molecular Interactions and Activity in Proteins

Growth Factors in Biology and Medicine. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Growth Factors in Biology and Medicine

Structure and Function in Cell Signalling. Группа авторов

Structure and Function in Cell Signalling

Emerging Tools for Single-Cell Analysis. Gary  Durack

Emerging Tools for Single-Cell Analysis

Cell Migration in Development and Disease. Группа авторов

Cell Migration in Development and Disease

Transcription Factors in the Nervous System. Группа авторов

Transcription Factors in the Nervous System

Carbohydrates as Organic Raw Materials III. Herman Bekkum van

Carbohydrates as Organic Raw Materials III

The Role of Evidence in Risk Characterization. Holger Sch?tz

The Role of Evidence in Risk Characterization

Phenotypic and Genotypic Diagnosis of Malignancies. Muin S. A. Tuffaha

Phenotypic and Genotypic Diagnosis of Malignancies

Sepsis and Non-infectious Systemic Inflammation. Jean-Marc  Cavaillon

Sepsis and Non-infectious Systemic Inflammation

The Seaward Margin of the Belize Barrier and Atoll Reefs (Special Publication 3 of the IAS). Robert Ginsburg N.

The Seaward Margin of the Belize Barrier and Atoll Reefs (Special Publication 3 of the IAS)

Sedimentology of Coal and Coal-Bearing Sequences (Special Publication 7 of the IAS). R. Rahmani A.

Sedimentology of Coal and Coal-Bearing Sequences (Special Publication 7 of the IAS)

Sedimentation, Tectonics, and Eustasy (Special Publication 12 of the IAS). David I. M. Macdonald

Sedimentation, Tectonics, and Eustasy (Special Publication 12 of the IAS)

The Geological Modelling of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs and Outcrop Analogues (Special Publication 15 of the IAS). Stephen Flint S.

The Geological Modelling of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs and Outcrop Analogues (Special Publication 15 of the IAS)

Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Associations (Special Publication 18 of the IAS). Группа авторов

Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Associations (Special Publication 18 of the IAS)