Раздел: современная зарубежная литература

All the Little Lies. Chris  Curran

All the Little Lies

Alligator Playground. Alan  Sillitoe

Alligator Playground

American Innovations. Ривка Голчен

American Innovations

An Expensive Place to Die. Len  Deighton

An Expensive Place to Die

An Experiment in Love. Hilary  Mantel

An Experiment in Love

An Irresponsible Age. Lavinia  Greenlaw

An Irresponsible Age

Angel Rock. Darren Williams

Angel Rock

Angels of Mourning. John  Pritchard

Angels of Mourning

Anita and Me. Meera  Syal

Anita and Me

Aphrodite’s Hat. Salley  Vickers

Aphrodite’s Hat

Aphrodite’s Smile. Stuart  Harrison

Aphrodite’s Smile

August and then some. David Prete

August and then some

Balling the Jack. Frank  Baldwin

Balling the Jack

Barra’s Angel. Eileen  Campbell

Barra’s Angel

Before She Was Found. Heather Gudenkauf

Before She Was Found

Ben on the Job. J. Farjeon Jefferson

Ben on the Job

Ben Sees It Through. J. Farjeon Jefferson

Ben Sees It Through

Better Days will Come. Pam  Weaver

Better Days will Come

Big City Eyes. Delia  Ephron

Big City Eyes

Billie Jo. Kimberley  Chambers

Billie Jo

Black Boxes. Caroline Smailes

Black Boxes

Black Mad Wheel. Josh  Malerman

Black Mad Wheel

Bleak Water. Danuta  Reah

Bleak Water

Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures. Vincent  Lam

Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures

Boneland. Alan Garner


Bordeaux Housewives. Daisy  Waugh

Bordeaux Housewives

Born Evil. Kimberley  Chambers

Born Evil

Born Weird. Andrew  Kaufman

Born Weird

Box Socials. W. Kinsella P.

Box Socials

Boy Swallows Universe. Trent Dalton

Boy Swallows Universe

Brixton Bwoy. Rocky  Carr

Brixton Bwoy

Brothers of the Head. Brian  Aldiss

Brothers of the Head

Butterfly Winter. W. Kinsella P.

Butterfly Winter

Canarino. Katherine  Bucknell


Care of Wooden Floors. Will  Wiles

Care of Wooden Floors

Chocolate Shoes and Wedding Blues. Trisha  Ashley

Chocolate Shoes and Wedding Blues

Christmas on the Little Cornish Isles: The Driftwood Inn. Phillipa  Ashley

Christmas on the Little Cornish Isles: The Driftwood Inn

Clicking Her Heels. Lucy Hepburn

Clicking Her Heels

Clouds among the Stars. Victoria Clayton

Clouds among the Stars

Coffin and the Paper Man. Gwendoline  Butler

Coffin and the Paper Man

Coffin in Fashion. Gwendoline  Butler

Coffin in Fashion

Coffin in the Black Museum. Gwendoline  Butler

Coffin in the Black Museum

Coffin on Murder Street. Gwendoline  Butler

Coffin on Murder Street

Coffin on the Water. Gwendoline  Butler

Coffin on the Water

Coffin Underground. Gwendoline  Butler

Coffin Underground

Coffin’s Dark Number. Gwendoline  Butler

Coffin’s Dark Number

Coffin’s Game. Gwendoline  Butler

Coffin’s Game

Coffin’s Ghost. Gwendoline  Butler

Coffin’s Ghost

Come Up and See Me Sometime. Erika  Krouse

Come Up and See Me Sometime

Confessions of a Lapdancer. Коллектив авторов

Confessions of a Lapdancer