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Список разделов
Раздел: документальная литература
An account of the institution of the society for the establishment of the literary fund
A select collection of English songs, with their original airs, and a Historical essay on the origin and progress of national song. Vol. 1
A select collection of English songs, with their original airs, and a Historical essay on the origin and progress of national song. Vol. 2
Choix de rapports, opinions et discours. T. 1
Lettres Champenoises. T. 2. (No. 11)
Lettres Champenoises. T. 2. (No. 12)
Lettres Champenoises. T. 2. (No. 13)
Lettres Champenoises. T. 2. (No. 14)
Lettres Champenoises. T. 2. (No. 15)
Lettres Champenoises. T. 2. (No. 16)
Lettres Champenoises. T. 2. (No. 17)
Lettres Champenoises. T. 2. (No. 18)
A letter addressed to Viscount Palmerston
Letters written by the late earl of Chatham to his nephew Thomas Pitt, esq.
Memoirs. Vol. 3
Opere istoriche e politiche. T. 4
An account of the Kingdom of Caubul and its dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India. Vol. 1
Lettre a l'auteur anonyme de deux pretendus extraits inseres dans le Journal des Savans des mois de nov. & dec. 1773
Topographie und Statistik von L?beck und dem mit Hamburg gemeinschaftlichen Amte Bergedorf. T. 1
Berichtserstattung an den Konig
Treatise of the wealth, power, and resources, of the British Empire
The pamphlet
The system followed during the two last years by the Board of agriculture
The statutes and rules
Conversations of Lord Byron
A dissertation on the pageants or dramatic mysteries
Remarks on the late definitive treaty of peace signed at Amines
Letters from the count de Las Cases
Remarks on a late publication, styled The history of the politics of Great Britain and France
Speech of the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Castlereagh, in the Irish House of Commons, Wednesday, February 5, 1880
Sur le projet annonce
An inquiry into the authenticity of certain miscellaneous papers and legal instruments
Relation du voyage du Port Rоyal de l'Acadie
View of the United States of America
Considerations sur la paix de 1783
Defence de M. Necker
Lettres sur le Caucase et la Georgie
A defence of natural and revealed religion. Vol. 1
Relation d'un sejour a Alger
The Peerage of England. Vol. 1
Weiche der Kultur und der Kraft
Esquisse d'un ouvrage en faveur des pauvres
Lettres d'un cultivateur americain. T. 2
Dei bagni di Abano. P. 1
Dei bagni di Abano. P. 2
Oraisons funebres. T. 1
Publii Ovidii Nasonis opera. T. 2
Traite des chasses aux pieges. T. 1
Sketches of Russia
Rock Life Assurance Company: centenary: 1806-1906