Successful network marketing entrepreneurs share their secrets In The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing, network marketing guru Dr. Joe Rubino offers readers a wide variety of proven business-building techniques taken from many of the most successful network marketing leaders in the industry. Presenting a wide range of different perspectives and tactics, this comprehensive guide offers beginning network marketers and seasoned veterans alike all the specialized information and strategies they need to grow their business. Revealing a world of secrets it would take a lifetime in the industry to amass, the 37 contributors in this handy resource provide one-of-a-kind advice for building extreme wealth.
Категория: зарубежная деловая литература
ISBN: 9780471746638
Правообладатель: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Легальная стоимость: 2948.43 руб.
Ограничение по возрасту: 0+
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