Раздел: отраслевые издания

Geschichte der Baustatik. Karl-Eugen Kurrer

Geschichte der Baustatik

Statische Beurteilung historischer Tragwerke. Stefan Holzer

Statische Beurteilung historischer Tragwerke

Photonics, Volume 4. David L. Andrews

Photonics, Volume 4

Shallow Foundations. Tharwat M. Baban

Shallow Foundations

Spezialtiefbau 2.0. Klaus D. Kluckert

Spezialtiefbau 2.0

Applied Process Control. Michael Mulholland

Applied Process Control

Distributed Cooperative Control. Yi Guo

Distributed Cooperative Control

International Virtual Teams. Pam Estes Brewer

International Virtual Teams

New Telecom Networks. Daniel Battu

New Telecom Networks

Applied Process Control. Michael Mulholland

Applied Process Control

Indoor Wireless Communications. Alejandro Arag?n-Zavala

Indoor Wireless Communications

Deactivation of Heavy Oil Hydroprocessing Catalysts. Jorge Ancheyta

Deactivation of Heavy Oil Hydroprocessing Catalysts

Grundbau-Taschenbuch, Teil 1. Группа авторов

Grundbau-Taschenbuch, Teil 1

Combining Pattern Classifiers. Ludmila I. Kuncheva

Combining Pattern Classifiers

Meta-Algorithmics. Steven J. Simske


Colour Reproduction in Electronic Imaging Systems. Michael S. Tooms

Colour Reproduction in Electronic Imaging Systems

Automated Transit. Rongfang Liu

Automated Transit

Optical Design Using Excel. Hiroshi Nakajima

Optical Design Using Excel

Easements Relating to Land Surveying and Title Examination. Donald A. Wilson

Easements Relating to Land Surveying and Title Examination

Risk Pricing Strategies for Public-Private Partnership Projects. Abdelhalim Boussabaine

Risk Pricing Strategies for Public-Private Partnership Projects

Wireless Communications Security. Jyrki T. J. Penttinen

Wireless Communications Security

Safety Management for Software-based Equipment. Jean-Louis Boulanger

Safety Management for Software-based Equipment

High-Intensity X-rays - Interaction with Matter. Stefan P. Hau-Riege

High-Intensity X-rays - Interaction with Matter

Chemical Process Retrofitting and Revamping. Группа авторов

Chemical Process Retrofitting and Revamping

Engineering Information Security. Stuart Jacobs

Engineering Information Security

LEOMA and the US Laser Industry. C. Breck Hitz

LEOMA and the US Laser Industry

Technology and Practical Use of Strain Gages. Stefan Keil

Technology and Practical Use of Strain Gages

Estimating and Cost Planning Using the New Rules of Measurement. Sean D. C. Ostrowski

Estimating and Cost Planning Using the New Rules of Measurement

Principles and Practice of Ground Improvement. Jie Han

Principles and Practice of Ground Improvement

Cost Management of Construction Projects. Donald Towey

Cost Management of Construction Projects

Managing Measurement Risk in Building and Civil Engineering. Peter  Williams

Managing Measurement Risk in Building and Civil Engineering

NGN Architectures, Protocols and Services. Toni Janevski

NGN Architectures, Protocols and Services

Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Groundwater. Anatoly Legtchenko

Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Groundwater

Communications and Information Infrastructure Security. Группа авторов

Communications and Information Infrastructure Security

Molecular Imaging in Nano MRI. Michael Ting

Molecular Imaging in Nano MRI

Operator-Based Nonlinear Control Systems. Mingcong Deng

Operator-Based Nonlinear Control Systems

Cloud Management and Security. Imad M. Abbadi

Cloud Management and Security

Structural Design of Buildings. Paul  Smith

Structural Design of Buildings

Color Appearance Models. Mark D. Fairchild

Color Appearance Models

Mobile Satellite Communications. Madhavendra Richharia

Mobile Satellite Communications

Health Physics. Joseph John Bevelacqua

Health Physics

Bauphysik Kalender 2017. Nabil A. Fouad

Bauphysik Kalender 2017

Bauphysik Kalender 2014. Nabil A. Fouad

Bauphysik Kalender 2014

Bauphysik Kalender 2016. Группа авторов

Bauphysik Kalender 2016

Stahlbau-Kalender 2017. Ulrike Kuhlmann

Stahlbau-Kalender 2017

Bauphysik Kalender 2015. Группа авторов

Bauphysik Kalender 2015

Adjustment Computations. Charles D. Ghilani

Adjustment Computations

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling. Keith J. Beven

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling

Precision Surveying. John Olusegun Ogundare

Precision Surveying

TRIZ f?r Ingenieure. Karen Gadd

TRIZ f?r Ingenieure

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